Sour crop please help!


Jun 16, 2021
My hubby let the birds out this morning and found my one hen with her head cocked, he pet her and she vomited brown water so he rushed to get me out there. I carefully picked her up to bring her inside and she vomited tons more brown water.

She’s now in my bathtub and has almost emptied her crop of brown water all over the place

I have given her a bit of acv water with a syringe which she didn’t love me doing but didn’t vomit either.
Now she’s just standing there, doesn’t walk around at all and just keeps closing her eyes,

This is my first time with sour crop and I just lost a hen a few month ago to an unknown impacted crop.

Is there any more I can do or just let her be right now and keep giving acv water here and there

She’s also usually quite vocal but she’s completely silent right now
Hello. I’m so sorry to hear about you girl first of all.
One of our Marans had sour top last year and I was able to successfully treat her thankfully, following these steps:
We removed her from the rest of the flock and access to normal food
Fed her on a diet of high protein no added sugar yoghurt & tomatoes (help with acidity in the crop)
I found Osmonds sour crop charcoal and crushed 3 into some yoghurt
We kept up this protocol for a week until she seemed interested in her food again and wasn’t making gassy mouth sounds.
Not had the issue since although I understand it can be hard to treat.
Good luck!
Hello. I’m so sorry to hear about you girl first of all.
One of our Marans had sour top last year and I was able to successfully treat her thankfully, following these steps:
We removed her from the rest of the flock and access to normal food
Fed her on a diet of high protein no added sugar yoghurt & tomatoes (help with acidity in the crop)
I found Osmonds sour crop charcoal and crushed 3 into some yoghurt
We kept up this protocol for a week until she seemed interested in her food again and wasn’t making gassy mouth sounds.
Not had the issue since although I understand it can be hard to treat.
Good luck!
I don’t have yogurt, or osmonds, I only have acv and tomatoes
So I’d get some tomorrow if you’re able to (yoghurt), the osmonds I ordered and came after a few days. Is she eating anything at all?
So I’d get some tomorrow if you’re able to (yoghurt), the osmonds I ordered and came after a few days. Is she eating anything at all?
I read not to use yogurt.
I gave her a scrambled egg with some tiny tomato pieces. An hour or so after doing the apple cider vinegar water, she gobbled that up and has pooped a couple times, is more vocal and walks around her box a bit more
I read not to use yogurt.
I gave her a scrambled egg with some tiny tomato pieces. An hour or so after doing the apple cider vinegar water, she gobbled that up and has pooped a couple times, is more vocal and walks around her box a bit more
Great news to hear. I’m curious why they said not to treat with yoghurt? I took my girl (shadow) to the vet here maybe day 3 of the protocol I described and she said keep it up, you’re doing exactly what you should be!
Great news to hear. I’m curious why they said not to treat with yoghurt? I took my girl (shadow) to the vet here maybe day 3 of the protocol I described and she said keep it up, you’re doing exactly what you should be!
I read that because of the bacteria in yogurt it actually feeds into sour crop rather than treat it, it also said that chickens can’t digest lactose properly
I read that because of the bacteria in yogurt it actually feeds into sour crop rather than treat it, it also said that chickens can’t digest lactose properly
Interesting! My vet fully supports the protocol in case any help at all!
She still hasn’t decided to eat anything today, has still been pooping and her crop still feels like a balloon but she’s much more active


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