Sparring chicks - female to female?

dawn secord

8 Years
May 12, 2016
North Texas
My Coop
My Coop
I have 3 silkie chicks. They are approximately 10+ weeks old. One has started crowing. The other two appear to be females. Of course, that will be seen in the future. The two females (thinking they are based on crown development and body language) have started sparring today. The smallest one is the instigator. That is the one I would put money on being a female. Has anyone had experience with female chicks sparring? Just curious. Thanks for any replies.
Sparring isn't gender specific. But pictures of the birds in question are always helpful.
Thank you for any thoughts you can give. The lighter colored mauve splash is the more assertive one. I thought they were both pullets until I saw them sparring this morning. It only lasted a few jumps then they stopped. The solid mauve wanted nothing to do with it.


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Females do spar too, mine sparred when they were younger (although it was mostly posturing and the occasional chest bump). I am not the best at sexing silkies but nothing suggests male to me visually. I'd give them more time as silkies are notoriously hard to sex

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