Sparrow's Chat Thread

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Yeah…i also think helping rescue chickens would be so rewarding, seeing that they were going to be killed and now they're happy healthy hens!
Yes ppl need more chicken and bird vets. The vets round here seem to not care at all bout chickens. Like my little one footer roo. He was a healthy little baby with a crushed foot. We went to the vet to see what to do. She said put him down. We said why? And she says cuz he ain't gonna have a good life. How would you know that until you try tho. So we left daddy had to use medicine and numb him up then hack the foot off. I treated him and wrapped it for about 6 months. He is now a full grown roo hopping around fine. Ya eventually he might run into problems but he still has had a great life being spoiled and living a lot longer then if we woulda listened to theat vet then. We need vets who treat chickens like their life actually matters.
Yes ppl need more chicken and bird vets. The vets round here seem to not care at all bout chickens. Like my little one footer roo. He was a healthy little baby with a crushed foot. We went to the vet to see what to do. She said put him down. We said why? And she says cuz he ain't gonna have a good life. How would you know that until you try tho. So we left daddy had to use medicine and numb him up then hack the foot off. I treated him and wrapped it for about 6 months. He is now a full grown roo hopping around fine. Ya eventually he might run into problems but he still has had a great life being spoiled and living a lot longer then if we woulda listened to theat vet then. We need vets who treat chickens like their life actually matters.
Thats sweet! its sad when people deem things worthless when they have so much to offer still
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