Sparrow's Chat Thread

I see your point. The bulls are bred to buck, and it's something they enjoy doing. in dog shows, if the dog was uncomfortable people wouldn't allow it.

The bulls love to buck. it's how they're designed : )
oh and believe me, the bulls are smart enough to know when they are going to a bucking pen. Those things are insanely strong and can easily get away if they don't want to be ridden. but again its something they really like.
Is this not the best bull rider name ever?
Most perfect name for the sport.
sddefault (1).jpg
I guess I just know they put something on them to make them buck, and I dont really agree with using animals like that. making them uncomfortable and scared for our pleasure. cause it is a prey instinct for them
Rodeo bulls buck as a natural instinct to fight off the threat of being attacked by a predator, such as a rider on their back:

  • Flank strap
    A tight strap around the bull's flank encourages them to buck with their hind legs. This strap is designed to make the bull uncomfortable and create negative stimulus.

  • Spurs
    Riders use dull spurs to get a grip on the bull, but not to scratch it.

  • Genetics
    Bulls are selectively bred to be more sensitive to negative stimuli and more likely to buck.

  • Fear, stress, and panic
    Bulls experience increased fear, stress, and panic when they are ridden, which triggers their "fight-or-flight" response.

  • Escape
    Bulls may try to escape the chute or throw themselves into solid objects to get rid of the rider and strap.
Bulls are trained to buck by being bucked with a dummy a couple of times when they are about a year old. Once they are about two years old, they are bucked more frequently to get them used to the arena.

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