Speckles's Babies Hatch Along!

What happened with your hatch @GirlsHuntToo? That’s sad. 😞 But, happy for Sage! ❤️ Looking forward to seeing photos of Sage, Goldie, Ginger, Coffee, Morgan, Lily, and Lacey!
I candled yesterday, one is a dud - nothing in it - the other one is a quiter and one is due in about 2 days and is still going so there is some hope for that one!
Can we see gorgeous mum and her chicks :love ?
Sadly with all the roosters and other jealous broody hens, I wasn't able to let Puff keep them to raise. So they are bring brooder raised. I will snap some pics of them today, and post them when my internet isn't so bad.
Come on little one! You’re going to make it to hatch day! ❤️
Did the chick hatch yet?

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