Splayed Leg Duckling


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 8, 2013
Hello everyone! After looking through a few forums on the topic of splayed leg, I have a question about one of my ducks.
I got two ducklings about a week ago, when I got them the lady said they were about 4 to 5 days old. One of the ducklings was having some leg problems, but was half price, and I'm a bit of a sucker for special needs animals, so I convinced my mom to get it and a companion. When we got home we did some research and figured out she's got splayed legs. We looked up how to treat splayed legs and have her in hobbles. (I've nicknamed her Hobbles for the time being)
My question is; is it to late for this to be corrected or can I keep trying? She has so much will and tries really hard. When I take her out to work on walking she seems to be getting better, using my hands to balance less and taking a few steps on her own before falling over.
Thank you in advance, not wanting to cull her, but I will if I need to. (I have another place for the other duckling, being as mom doesn't want to really keep the ducks.)
Hello everyone! After looking through a few forums on the topic of splayed leg, I have a question about one of my ducks.
I got two ducklings about a week ago, when I got them the lady said they were about 4 to 5 days old. One of the ducklings was having some leg problems, but was half price, and I'm a bit of a sucker for special needs animals, so I convinced my mom to get it and a companion. When we got home we did some research and figured out she's got splayed legs. We looked up how to treat splayed legs and have her in hobbles. (I've nicknamed her Hobbles for the time being)
My question is; is it to late for this to be corrected or can I keep trying? She has so much will and tries really hard. When I take her out to work on walking she seems to be getting better, using my hands to balance less and taking a few steps on her own before falling over.
Thank you in advance, not wanting to cull her, but I will if I need to. (I have another place for the other duckling, being as mom doesn't want to really keep the ducks.)

First, thank you for trying to help this SN duckling.
There are several threads about SN animals on BYC, here's one that you may find interesting: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/1136769/ducks-with-special-needs.

While correcting splay leg seems to be easiest in newly-hatched ducklings, I think that the problem still has the potential to be improved..and frankly, ducks are amazing creatures and can often adapt surprisingly well to physical challenges. If you haven't already read this thread, it has suggestions for adjunct therapies (like water therapy) that may help, too: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/752953/ducklings-with-splayed-legs. Are you already feeding supplemental niacin, too?

Best of luck to you and Hobbles - will be hoping for good news in your next update!

@Miss Lydia
Thank you for these articles! I'm going to switch out the bedding from shavings to towels to see if that helps, seems like when she's on carpet she can walk a bit on her own. Mom and I are going to add some niacin supplement to their food (I think that's what she said) she's got something high in Niacin I think. I'll let you know how the towels do for traction once I switch it all out.
First, thank you for trying to help this SN duckling.
There are several threads about SN animals on BYC, here's one that you may find interesting: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/1136769/ducks-with-special-needs.

While correcting splay leg seems to be easiest in newly-hatched ducklings, I think that the problem still has the potential to be improved..and frankly, ducks are amazing creatures and can often adapt surprisingly well to physical challenges. If you haven't already read this thread, it has suggestions for adjunct therapies (like water therapy) that may help, too: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/752953/ducklings-with-splayed-legs. Are you already feeding supplemental niacin, too?

Best of luck to you and Hobbles - will be hoping for good news in your next update!

@Miss Lydia
Couldn't have said it better myself.

Blessing for helping this lil one get over her leg issue.
Thank you guys! She's doing a lot better today, the traction has helped her a lot by giving her the time during the day while I'm at school for her to practice walking. When she slows down and is focused, she's starting to be able to take a few steps on her own. She's such a fighter when she puts her mind to it!
I'm also not quite she what breed she is either. She's got a crest, but colouring like her mallard sister, she's quite bigger though.
Thank you guys! She's doing a lot better today, the traction has helped her a lot by giving her the time during the day while I'm at school for her to practice walking. When she slows down and is focused, she's starting to be able to take a few steps on her own. She's such a fighter when she puts her mind to it!
I'm also not quite she what breed she is either. She's got a crest, but colouring like her mallard sister, she's quite bigger though.
How about a pic or 2?
Thank you guys! She's doing a lot better today, the traction has helped her a lot by giving her the time during the day while I'm at school for her to practice walking. When she slows down and is focused, she's starting to be able to take a few steps on her own. She's such a fighter when she puts her mind to it!
I'm also not quite she what breed she is either. She's got a crest, but colouring like her mallard sister, she's quite bigger though.

Great update! I hope she just keeps getting stronger and stronger!

I'm with @Miss Lydia - post a pic and we'll take some guesses.

Here's a picture of her with her sister, I'll take some tonight after mom and I move them to a bigger tank.
What an adorable pair of ducklings.. They maybe 4-5 days old now. If they have 2 eye stripes then I say Rouen if 1 then Mallard. and is the lil one with the splayed leg the crested one? You def want to get it some type of vitamins plus the nutritional yeast to give it as much support as possible. They both need the niacin which is the nutritional yeast.

I hope your mom will relent and let you keep both they really do so much better if they have a bud unless you can spend alot of time with an only duck they can get very lonely and not thrive as well.

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