Spokane's Chicken Rules

You're probably fine. Just be friendly with the neighbors and if they ask "what's going on back there" get excited and give them some of your beautiful fresh eggs and keep it positive. Reassure them that you'll take good care of them and your property and that they're clean healthy animals.

Hopefully, if it looks decent, people won't mind. If your place looks like 'the crazy bird lady lives there' you're more likely to get people complaining. Code enforcement shouldn't be poking around your neighborhood without a complaint. And not allowing you your birds interferes with you enjoying your lot. We've got to get people familiar again with the back yard flock.

Good luck!
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We've started discussing getting some hens in the Spring (2011) and I panicked today when I found that ordinance! We have a pretty big lot up on the North side of town, but I didn't want to have to build my coop in the middle of my yard! I'm so glad you found "more current" information as I wouldn't know who to call to get the info myself.

To try and cut some of the "coop costs" though, I think the general plan of the moment is going to be to get an old kids' playhouse and convert it, with a run underneath and extended out from the under side. It's not "technically" a building for animals, lol.
Anyone successfully kept a rooster inside the city limits? The ordinance doesn't specify hens only. The only issue I could see is the noise ordinance.
I haven't yet, but if my litle BR turns out to be a roo, I'll probably keep her/him anyway. I have a friend that lives just off Monroe, she says there is a roo somewhere in that neighborhood, but it doesn't make a lot of noise and has been there for a while.
There is no way a rooster could break the noise ordinance. The noise has to be so many decibels, measured from the complainers place of residence, not at yours and it has to be for so many minutes per day.
pips&peeps :

There is no way a rooster could break the noise ordinance. The noise has to be so many decibels, measured from the complainers place of residence, not at yours and it has to be for so many minutes per day.

Good point. I think neighbors. Dogs are louder then a crowing roo​
I can't figure out why Spokane doesn't just adopt Spokane Valley's recent (YEAH!!!) changes for chickens. Maybe you guys could bring them a copy and gently suggest it? I would MUCH rather hear chickens clucking then have to listen to the neighbors dogs barking every time the wind blows!!

We are having 10 yards of garden soil delivered this morning to fill our additional 5 raised garden beds. Anyone want to grab a shovel and come on over??/

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