Spring Chick Fling Chickenstock in Ma ,Great time every one!!!

Ah, well it seems I have demonstrated that to be the case. I have no clue where I saw 2 weeks.

I know they say 2 weeks with chickens, but to be sure some give it a month, I dont know about turkeys though.
i think i asked someone about my old english and thats what they told me a month, i cant believe it either, but i guess it must be true
I had a great time as did hubby and my daughter enjoyed the egg hunt very much! The raffle was a lot of fun too

I sold a bit of what I brought: East Indie Ducks, Bantam Wyandotte and BAntam Cochin chicks, Mille Duccle pullet and only came home with a pair of Zebra Finches I traded for a pair of ducklings!

Food was great and had a good time plus Shay's is one of the closest swaps to me

Great Job Shay!

Those little east indie ducklings are growing like bad weeds, they are so totally adorable.
thanks for them even though it took me hours to relent. lol

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