Squirrels are eating my Peafowls's food. Can I put chili powder in their food to deter the squirrels?

Squirrels are eating my Peafowls's food. Can I put chili powder in their food to deter the squirrels?
Sorry I'm no help on the chili powder question. Just wanted to ask if your conditions would allow you to block the squirrels from coming in? Might be cheaper to keep the squirrels out then use chili powder as an additive for years...though I'm very curious if that would work.
The Peas are in a fabulous 23' high geodesic dome enclosure. The bottom 8' of the frame is covered with black PVC covered hardware cloth mesh. The rest is covered with aviary netting. I've used hardware cloth on the 2' outside and 2' inside circumference so they can't dig tunnels. The squirrels chew through the aviary netting to get to the food. The peas are so chill they aren’t bothered by the squirrels. I'm wondering if an electric wire could be installed where the aviary netting is attached to the hardward cloth below. Similar to an electric fence.

I read in the chicken forum that chili pepper powder works. I wonder if I could try this with my peas.
I just spoke with my vet who specializes in birds. He said the chili powder should be no problem for the Peas. I will let you know if it deters the squirrels.
My parrot feed has chilies in it so I know that peppers are bird-safe. I am not sure how squirrels react to it but you can get big containers at Sam's and top dress the feed, I wouldn't think it would take very much at all.
My parrot feed has chilies in it so I know that peppers are bird-safe. I am not sure how squirrels react to it but you can get big containers at Sam's and top dress the feed, I wouldn't think it would take very much at all.
Thank you! That's a great tip.
Today was the second day of adding chili powder and red pepper flakes to the Pea's food. The Peas love it, so if anything they are taking more interest in their food. I don't think the squirrels care for the red pepper flakes, but I need more time to make sure.
I’m interested to hear OP’s update but I think this is perfectly safe.

The capsaicin in chili powder evolved to deter mammalian predators, which is why mammals like humans and squirrels can taste it. Birds completely lack the ability to taste the capsaicin. I’ve been using wild bird seed mixed with chili pepper to deter squirrels, and more importantly rats, for years and years without issue :)

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