Started laying and then stopped?

Any update? Having the same issue here and trying to figure out why!
I have a Black Australorp with the same issue. Scratching my head. No answers/fix here...just empathy. Been at least a month. My understanding was that they're super good layers. Mine is 10 months old in a mixed flock of 10. None are the same breed. However, I do have a Black Copper Maran.
Hopefully, someone out there can help us all. 🤞
I have a freaky stop-laying situation going on. I have three Rhode Island reds. Two are about 22 months old and the other is about nine months old. The baby laid here and there for a few weeks starting in August and hasn't laid since mid-September. She is larger than the older hens and her comb and wattle never fully matured, so she looks like an oversized pullet. She is submissive to the older hens and doesn't crow or otherwise behave like a rooster. In fact, she seems to have more concern for the eggs that get laid than the older hens so even though she doesn't lay and none of them are really broody, I would say she is the broodiest. The older hens are both laying every day. I have all of them on grower feed with free fed oyster shells because they aren't all laying. They also get a little bit of kitchen scraps and some black fly larva. They have an Eglu Cube for their coop connected to a 9' Eglu tractor run so there is no possibility that the baby is hiding her eggs. My question for everyone is: wtf?
I have a freaky stop-laying situation going on. I have three Rhode Island reds. Two are about 22 months old and the other is about nine months old. The baby laid here and there for a few weeks starting in August and hasn't laid since mid-September. She is larger than the older hens and her comb and wattle never fully matured, so she looks like an oversized pullet. She is submissive to the older hens and doesn't crow or otherwise behave like a rooster. In fact, she seems to have more concern for the eggs that get laid than the older hens so even though she doesn't lay and none of them are really broody, I would say she is the broodiest. The older hens are both laying every day. I have all of them on grower feed with free fed oyster shells because they aren't all laying. They also get a little bit of kitchen scraps and some black fly larva. They have an Eglu Cube for their coop connected to a 9' Eglu tractor run so there is no possibility that the baby is hiding her eggs. My question for everyone is: wtf?
My buff orpington has not laid since last November and she has turned into just a little bit of a bully off and on, maybe? She will run the other hens off the roost, I think it is her. I now have a Rhode Island red that is now wanting to sleep in the nest box and not sure if that is why. Just a suspicion. If she does not start laying by spring, I think I am going to get rid of her. :(
I have a freaky stop-laying situation going on. I have three Rhode Island reds. Two are about 22 months old and the other is about nine months old. The baby laid here and there for a few weeks starting in August and hasn't laid since mid-September. She is larger than the older hens and her comb and wattle never fully matured, so she looks like an oversized pullet. She is submissive to the older hens and doesn't crow or otherwise behave like a rooster. In fact, she seems to have more concern for the eggs that get laid than the older hens so even though she doesn't lay and none of them are really broody, I would say she is the broodiest. The older hens are both laying every day. I have all of them on grower feed with free fed oyster shells because they aren't all laying. They also get a little bit of kitchen scraps and some black fly larva. They have an Eglu Cube for their coop connected to a 9' Eglu tractor run so there is no possibility that the baby is hiding her eggs. My question for everyone is: wtf?
This is a follow up to my post about my baby that laid for a few weeks and stopped. She hadn't laid an egg for five months but when I switched from crushed oyster shells to flaked and gave them some grit, she started laying again, a beautiful egg every day. I had given up on that ever happening.

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