Starting of bumblefoot??


May 15, 2018
W Central Indiana
I'm posting a pic of my hen (Maureen) who has a lump on her toe. I looked on the bottom of her foot and saw no sign of a thorn or any other foreign object in her toe. I also didn't notice any abnormal redness or high temperature on the foot. Is the the beginning of bumblefoot? If so what should be my course of action?
I had bumblefoot a few days ago. It looks probably like 'Eggcessive' said. However, if there does happen to be a scab that appears on the toe you have to soak the foot in Epsom salt and soften the tissue. Then peel the scab completely off and get any fluid or weirdly dried puss looking stuff out of it. You may have to use tweezers or an exacto-knife to cut around. She won't feel much because their toes are so hardy. Don't forget to wrap it and clean and wrap again every day! Good luck
It looks like possibly a broken toe, but there are scaly leg mites as well. Is she limping, and is there any scab or spot on the bottom of the feet?
Thanks for your reply. I forgot to mention that she has not shown any signs of discomfort (no limping, no reaction when I touch it etc.). There is nothing abnormal on the bottom either. I didn't really realize until I looked at the photos that they have scaly leg mites. What can I do to treat for that?
For leg mites I use Pam. First, give them a bath and make sure no mites or lice are by the vent, under wings, or in beards of bearded, rds I spray it on the legs and then coat it in Petroleum Jelly. It feels weird but it helps. After a few days, I dust them with seven dust or diatomaceous earth(DE) and spray them with Poultry protector all can usually be found at tracotr supply. and clean out the coops and bedding along with putting DE in the ground and mixing it and in the bedding. I would also recommend separating her and monitor her making sure she isn't trying to eat the stuff on her legs. Good Luck
You can soak her feet in warm soapy water and gently scrub the scales with a tooth brush to lossen the scales. Dry the legs and feet. Then apply an oil of choice—castor oil, vegetable oil, vaseline, coconut, or mineral oil and rub into the scales. Repeat this application once a week for several weeks until you see new scales growing in. It may take a couple of months.

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