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just got a black silkie yesterday! we had to give her a bath, too. she looks like sweetie (the image in the gallery) except she has a bigger crest, smaller comb, and a longer neck. i think she used to have a beard, but it molted away.
used to have 2 banty pullets, but they got eaten by a raccoon. the roo was just learning how to crow...
That's sad :( I had two hens get killed by two giant raccoons last Spring. They climbed up the wall of my barn and through the open window. I never thought a raccoon would climb up the side of a steel barn. I wish I had known sooner that they could do that :( That wasn't a fun experience for me.
That's sad
I had two hens get killed by two giant raccoons last Spring. They climbed up the wall of my barn and through the open window. I never thought a raccoon would climb up the side of a steel barn. I wish I had known sooner that they could do that
That wasn't a fun experience for me.
the same exact raccoon that ate my bantys also ate one of the chicks of my RIR's brood.
the same exact raccoon that ate my bantys also ate one of the chicks of my RIR's brood.

Did you catch the raccoon? We caught one of the raccoons that killed my chickens, and my dad shot it, and the other my neighbor hit with her car. Good riddance too. The one that my neighbor hit was the one that we couldn't catch and it kept coming back and knocking over my feed bins and destroying the front of my barn.

I normally feel bad about killing raccoons, but not these two. These two were the biggest and most vicious raccoons we have ever come across.
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