sticky white poo

Are they still in a brooder? If so, the issue may be overheating. You didn't say how long you've been treating with amprolium (Corid). If it's been the standard duration, then I'd stop treating them for that and add a complete vitamin/mineral supplement to their water. Amprolium works by denying the coccidia B-Vitamins; no vitamin for them to consume and the parasite dies. Sadly, your chicks need these vitamins to thrive too, so replacement is needed after treating with amprolium.
Be absolutely certain to wash the vent GENTLY, several times daily with a WARM, moist washcloth and give the vent a gentle squeeze just in case there's some just out of sight in the vent. Afterward, put some vaseline or neosporin without pain medicine on the vent. Neosporin really isn't called for, but the base ingredient is petrolium jelly, just like vaseline, so if you don't have plain vaseline, you can use the neosporin until you can get to the store to pick up a jar. Adding this last step will make it more difficult for the GUMMY, STICKY, gonna dry into a BRICK type of white poop from sealing the vent shut; a life threatening condition. If they're not still in a brooder, it could be a fungal infection; the bathing may clear it too.
Ensure that the little one is getting plenty of fluids as the liquid poop is taking a lot of the water out of its system. If the chick starts losing weight, acting lethargic or showing little interest in food or water, you may try adding electrolytes or liquid vitamin/mineral supplement in mashed egg yolk (you can add more moisture to the yolk if you're having issues getting the little one to drink enough too). Yolk is comfort food to chicks (and chickens), is high in protein and contains ALL of the amino acids needed for growth and good health. Praying for you and your feathered family.

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