Stinky Acres Farm

Good morning! It's going to be in the 30s and sunny here today! That means the ducks are able to get some outside bathing time! Yay!
We're having a snap freeze today, going from about the freezing point to -18 within a few hours overnight.

Wind is gusting and there are weather warnings out. I let the birds out a bit later and they still prefer to stay in the coops. They'll be given extra bedding to help with the drastic temperature change.
Happy February! Going to be -9°F tonight!
Ladybug's been laying an egg every other day since Sunday, but I'd be surprised if I get any eggs today. Still no brown eggs in the boxes, but I'm expecting to get some soon because some of the Brahmas have pretty red combs.
Happy February! Going to be -9°F tonight!
Ladybug's been laying an egg every other day since Sunday, but I'd be surprised if I get any eggs today. Still no brown eggs in the boxes, but I'm expecting to get some soon because some of the Brahmas have pretty red combs.
One of my Brahma just started laying. I know they mature later, but wow, she's almost 9 months old!

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