Stop telling me to kill my birds....

But can't they be pet livestock?
Yeah that's why I said that they can be pets to some people. They just aren't to me. I consider my goats pet livestock to me bit to lots of people their goats are just livestock and that's fine too. I just don't consider any livestock animal the same as a dog or cat, which I consider pet animals. Again that's just me and my opinion
Yeah that's why I said that they can be pets to some people. They just aren't to me. I consider my goats pet livestock to me bit to lots of people their goats are just livestock and that's fine too. I just don't consider any livestock animal the same as a dog or cat, which I consider pet animals. Again that's just me and my opinion
How long have you had goats?
I will say there was a time that I viewed my chickens as completly pet animals but overtime of owning them I've come to the conclusion that they aren't really pets like my other animals.
I define livestock as an animal that's useful in life and death (for food usally) and I define a pet as animals that are typically used as companions or thar aren't food. And before people come at me saying people eat dogs and cats and such in some countries, this is my American definition. I totally get that other countries have different cultures and that's fine. Just to clear up why I consider them livestock. Definitely doesn't mean you can't consider your livestock a pet of yours
I will say there was a time that I viewed my chickens as completly pet animals but overtime of owning them I've come to the conclusion that they aren't really pets like my other animals.
I define livestock as an animal that's useful in life and death (for food usally) and I define a pet as animals that are typically used as companions or thar aren't food. And before people come at me saying people eat dogs and cats and such in some countries, this is my American definition. I totally get that other countries have different cultures and that's fine. Just to clear up why I consider them livestock. Definitely doesn't mean you can't consider your livestock a pet of yours
Just wanted to let you know that you're doing a great job of seeing and respecting both sides of the equation. Thats rare now-a-days.
Just an update:
I had this bird quarantined since I got back from the show. I quarantine every bird that goes to a show for safety. He had absolutely no symptoms at the show, but he went to quarantine anyway. He started showing symptoms about two-three days after the show. I gave him 0.5cc of Tylan 50 yesterday morning and today the swelling has gone down tremendously. Going to keep an eye on him for the next week. He's getting poultry cell in his water as well. Keeping an eye on the pullet that was caged next to him, but she hasn't shown any symptoms yet.
I didn't read all 6 pages, only up to this post.

I too would like to chime in and say that a 'simple sinus infection' is rarely ever just a simple infection. It is usually a disease that never goes away.

There are a lot of people that don't mind dealing with sick birds all the time. There are also A LOT of people who don't want diseases in their flock.

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