Stormcrow's Hobby Farm

Had to put a favored dog to sleep the day before thanksgiving. Close relative passed last Monday. Some other, less important, still unwelcome news as well. and lots of stress. Also, about 6" of rain destroying my driveway, which is more like a golf cart trail at the moment than its usual almost two-lane wide width.
prayers for comfort....and dryer weather
Unfortunately the closest thing thing to mexican food we have in Montana is tex-mex food. Even then, apart from the Qudoba(sp?), I don't think we have anything within reasonable driving distance
there's a few places that sell meat, but probable not close
I was thinking about getting goats when I have a space for them down the line, but can't really find much about what they'd taste like

I've seen goat meat for sale in my local Costco. (But they may stock different things in different regions of the country.)

I can't remember for sure, but I may have also spotted goat meat in some stores that offer hallal meat, and some stores that specialize in the ingredients for recipes from other countries. (One such store in my area has aisles labelled Mexican, Indian, European, and so forth.)

You could watch craigslist for a cheap goat, buy it, then butcher & eat that goat.
That will give you some experience with butchering, cooking, and eating a goat without having to put in the effort and expense to prepare a suitable goat-keeping setup.
I've seen goat meat for sale in my local Costco. (But they may stock different things in different regions of the country.)

I can't remember for sure, but I may have also spotted goat meat in some stores that offer hallal meat, and some stores that specialize in the ingredients for recipes from other countries. (One such store in my area has aisles labelled Mexican, Indian, European, and so forth.)

You could watch craigslist for a cheap goat, buy it, then butcher & eat that goat.
That will give you some experience with butchering, cooking, and eating a goat without having to put in the effort and expense to prepare a suitable goat-keeping setup.
My parents would probably kill me if another goat showed up at the house, even temporarily. I'll check the meat section at Costco next time we're there though
My parents would probably kill me if another goat showed up at the house, even temporarily. I'll check the meat section at Costco next time we're there though

I saw it in the frozen foods section, in a big cardboard box labeled something like "frozen goat cubes." It was not in the section with un-frozen meats. (The entire box was not particularly cheap, but I'm pretty sure it was cheaper than building pens, buying goats, feeding goats, and then deciding whether you like the taste.)

Hmm, if you could find anyone who intends to butcher a goat, you might be able to help them in exchange for some of the meat. (Probably not feasible, since you already said you don't know anyone local who could give an opinion about the flavor. If they were butchering goats and you knew them, you would have already asked them.)
Garden plants ok?

My garden grows so slowly this time of year. I go check on it, pick what I can. Mostly just look. I will pick a cabbage today to make slaw. Cooking a nice pork roast to shred into bar-b-que. Baking the pork will keep the house warm. Good for such a cool day.

Wishing you a good day.

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