Stormcrow's Hobby Farm

Is it normal for fawns to be born this time of the year there?
I don't recall ever seeing such young fawns this time of year in the past. DH and I were just talking about this. We have been on this property for 32 years. I've been in the area all my life.

I have seen new babies in March but never January that I can remember. Our weather has been up and down a lot. From a few nights in the upper teens to 75f. There are tons of leaves and straw in the woods behind the house where they bed down. I hope they will make it. You can bet I'll be looking for them.
"Finding success by learning from failure." Worthy lessons for those who will pay attention to them, IMO.

What did you do that didn't work, if you don't mind sharing it?

I don't know.

OK, I have some good guesses. One, I'm having trouble getting the fat scrapped off without either tearing the hide or scrapping too thin. Two, I tried smoke tanning, and got things too hot. Three, I had not enough salt.

I should proably build stretching frames, too.
Another goat born last night (different mama of course)

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