Stormcrow's Hobby Farm

Out feeding the animals right now, just walking around the pasture I've already broken out in a sweat. Can't be but maybe 81°, but humidity is near 100%. Thought about buying grass seed this weekend to put down this week we had better than 50/50 chances of thunderstorms every day this week. This morning, I'll be lucky to get a thunderstorm today. Nothing else the rest of the week. Glad I didn't waste the money on seed
Sorry about the apple tree and grapevine.

I'd love to grow peaches (they actually do grow in our area), but they are a real crap shoot. I did have two hazelnut trees, but Japanese Beetles took them out about the time they were old enough to start producing.

I'm getting my revenge on the JBs. Sins of your fathers, and all that.
Getting the hoses started so we don't lose any more of the pecans apples and peaches we planted this year. I've already lost one Grapevine that went in this year, and one apple tree.
I’ve been having to water a peach, a fig, and a pear tree I planted this year. Previous year’s young trees are rooted enough that so far they’re fine.

I have 12 acres of blueberries I need to prune back. But I can’d do it until the rains return.

We finally got a good rain. It would have caught many of the mommas with chicks out in the blueberry fields. Some of the 15 seemed to struggle to find adequate cover. We’ll see in the days ahead whether I have losses. In years past, heavy rains preceded many heavy losses.

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