Mango went into the coop. "Peach?" Mango peeped. She felt like an eggling that had just hatched. "What do ya want this time?" Peach threw her a dismayed look.
Peach cocked her head to the left, and then hissed and puffed up. "Why?! I will absolutely NOT leave until the eggs hatch!" Mango rolled her eyes. "You don't even know if they are fertilized!" Peach hissed again, puffing up as much as she could. "I know they will, I can feel it in my marrow!"
Sorry! I haven't been on for a while!
Their conversation was interruped by the appearence of TallLady in the coop. She carried a cardboard box and a large pet crate, which she set in the corner of the coop. Peach and Mango watched as she took something from the box and placed it in the hay-filled crate. She did it again, and Peach drew in her breath. The things were round and brown. TallLady had gotten fertile hatching eggs.
The way to regain her position in the pecking order, Mango thought, was to-well-peck. So she would start with Sugarplum at the bottom, and work her way back up to third. She would have to work fast, while the pecking order was still in limbo, having been newly changed. It could change again.
TallLady plucked Peach from the nestbox and put her in the crate. At first, Peach was a bit upset, but she calmed down and made herself a nest. No more fighting with bossy old Nightsky over the nestbox.
it was nice and cozy in the nesting box peach would need a bowl of water though so she could dip her feet in and keep the eggs moist she couldn't beleive tall lady was actually letting her hatch chicks! "this is wonderful!" she thought to herself lots of peace and quite.