Strange and almost naked hatchling

Feeling very reassured having asked quite a similar question earlier today... I've always enjoyed the 'runt' of the litter or "the ugly duckling' so to speak... my DH is the mailmans son so it always been an overused joke here... do you have a wolf in sheeps clothing?!?
I'm so glad Jim turned out to be a hen! The two feather-few birds I was telling you is hen, the other cockrel. The hen was the one most naked but she looks great now!
Jim is back to being a rooster - his crow is weak and decidedly 'unmanly', but he sure is practicing to improve it! The big comb, hackles, sickles, and saddle feathers prove it. The tail is still sideways, I will have to get a pic to see if anyone else has seen anything like it. He is the friendliest rooster I have ever met, though.

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