Strange boney lump on dogs head, any ideas> Pic provided.

i need help figuring out wgat this lump is anyone plzz
Yours is much different than mine, after all the vet visits and going down to Purdue to get CT scan we found out my baby had a olfactory neuroblastoma which is a very rare cancerous tumor and it had already spread to his lungs and lymph nodes in his jaw. We were devastated to say the least. The tumor had already ate thru the thin bone protecting his brain and he was suffering. We decided the only humane thing to do was euthanasia. It still breaks my heart and always will. He lived only a short 15 months but I know we did absolutely the best we could. I miss him so much. Mom and dad love you Rek.

My 9 month old chocolate lab developed this is a matter of 30 mins. Got in the shower she was fine go a out and it was there. I've tried ice and everything. Anyone have any clue it's been a day and still nothing!?

My 9 month old chocolate lab developed this is a matter of 30 mins. Got in the shower she was fine go a out and it was there. I've tried ice and everything. Anyone have any clue it's been a day and still nothing!?

You can try to give benadryl, i believe it's 5mg per 10 pounds but I would double check online, if it doesn't go away by tomorrow I would take your dog to the vet.


Background info. This is Ruby, she is a 4 year old female bullmastiff.

when Rubys mother, Mabel, was 18 days into her gestation with Rubys litter she had something called Fibrocartilaginous emboli. The initial treatment consisted of IV corticosteroids(sp?). She ended up making a full recovery. The steroids given at that particular time in gestation showed itself when the litter was whelped. Out of the 8 pups whelped 4 had to be euthanized due to severe cleft pallets(17-21 days gestation is when the pallets form and the steroids affected their development). Of the remaining 4 puppies 2 had umbilical hernias..1 repaired itself the other was repaired during the castration surgery.

Ruby was not spayed until age 2..But had never had a heat cycle.

This "lump" is very hard and boney and is not painful.

It originally showed up when Ruby was about 6 months old(it has never gone away), she had a trip to the vet..x rays..inconclusive. The next step suggested to us was an assessment by a specialist at the university of guelph..cost..2000.00 to walk in the door(any tests would be extra). we opted out of that and figure we would see how it progressed and decide from there.

She is healthy as a horse besides this bump. It doesn't seem to cause her any troubles. My gut Feeling is this is somehow related back to the steroids she was exposed to inutero...The vet doesn't think so but has no better explanation for it.

Just thought I would post a pic and see if anybody else had any ideas or may have seen something similar before.

Ruby is a great dog!
Hey same thing happened to my dog. Did you find out what it was? I don’t seem so find any answers online
Hey same thing happened to my dog. Did you find out what it was? I don’t seem so find any answers online

Our dog was acting strange and was very lethargic the vet checked her over everything was fine, so he gave her a steroid injection to give her a boost. She also had a tick on her head which was removed. She then developed a lump on her head (June 2019), after the vet giving us steroid cream & hibiscrub with no improvement, she had a biopsy (July 2019) afterwards there was fluid leaking from the wound, (vet thought this was an abscess) she also developed lumps behind her ears which also leaked fluid, then we were sent for a CT Scan (Aug 2019) at the animal hospital. We were told something was eating her skull & she had lesions on her lungs, they did not know what was causing this and that the outcome would be bad i.e. death. They could take a bone sample which was high risk with the possibility of no answer. There was no sign of any bacteria, fungi and tests were all inconclusive. (she was also tested for Lyme's Disease but was diagnosed clear) So our vet decide to give her steroid tablets (Sept 2019), the leaking stopped and within days she was like a different dog) her 1st crp blood count was 10.8, her last one (just last week) was less that 1, she has just had an head/chest x-ray her head has healed and the lesion's seem to be gone. It looks like it was an autoimmune reaction to a tick bite she got back in June.
Hi! I'm curious. Did you ever get answers? We have a. Italian Mastiff with a very similar bump right now...

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