Straub’s search for colored eggs

I've seen this on tv too. It takes a crazy person to stick their hand in some of the holes around the banks where you can't see.
Only rod and reel for me!

Same, there is NO way I'm sticking my hand into some hole with who knows what in it hoping something with bite me... :eek:
You get in to a school of them and they're hitting, they'll eat anything.

Best memories with my Dad are overflowing the coolers and just throwing them on the boat floor. He always kept canned corn on standby if we ran out of minnows. If we ran out of corn we would use fish eyes.
Fish eyes? Those little suckers are cannibals???

I remember smelt dipping. Cold, wet, uncomfortable, hours on end in the wind and drizzling rain getting these little fish out of the water. :th

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