Sudden Chicken Death Syndrome?

I went out this morning to give the flock food and fresh water and saw my girl "Mama" laying in the corner, very weak, one wing hanging, not able to walk, but still alive. I picked her up, brought her into the house, because it's cold here in PA, and fed her and gave her water from a "syringe", put her in a box with a blanket and also covered her up to her head. I thought it may have been because of the cold. She laid in there all day sleeping off and on, bit just a bit ago she passed away. She was one of my older girls, around 6 or 7 years old, and I'm wondering if it was just because she was old? I have 2 roosters, and only 1 has ever crowed, but this morning I heard them BOTH crowing right before I went out to feed them, like they were trying to tell me something was wrong. I went into their coop and the "big man" as I call him, because he is the father of the young one, was standing right next to her, along with a few of the other hens. They wouldn't leave her side. I have lost 2 of my other older hens this year also in the same manner, but it was months apart, so I'm assuming it was just that they were "old". They seem fine one day, and the next they are gone! Just like that! She was a rescue that we brought home 3 years ago, along with 5 others, and at that time she was about 3 or 4 years old. We called her our handicapped hen because her one leg was so messed up that she limped everywhere, but it never caused her pain. I don't know what happened to her before we got her, but she was such a sweet girl. I'm gonna miss my little "Mama".....
Ok, so I have a flock of Buffs with 2 (well 1 now) roosters. They are about 15 weeks old. They're happy, well-fed, and seem healthy, even this one I'm telling you about. The wife went out to feed them today, and all were fine, when she turned around one of the roosters was laying on the ground deader than a doornail. I went out, no wounds, no indication of blood anywhere (I checked well), no foam at the mouth that may have indicated choking (no jokes Any idea what I'm looking at here? Not really into performing autopsies, but would like to know what would make a chicken drop dead instantly.
Originally Posted by dsmdaryl

Ok, so I have a flock of Buffs with 2 (well 1 now) roosters. They are about 15 weeks old. They're happy, well-fed, and seem healthy, even this one I'm telling you about. The wife went out to feed them today, and all were fine, when she turned around one of the roosters was laying on the ground deader than a doornail. I went out, no wounds, no indication of blood anywhere (I checked well), no foam at the mouth that may have indicated choking (no jokes Any idea what I'm looking at here? Not really into performing autopsies, but would like to know what would make a chicken drop dead instantly.
Welcome to BYC!

Way too many diseases to even guess... I'd have a necropsy done, many States will do them for free or a small fee.

I just had a seven month old Americauna die suddenly, she was fine in the morning and then boom I found her laying in the sun, dead. I looked all over her, and the only unusual thing I could find was a little yellow around her vent.
Every time I have a chicken die, I remind myself its just a part of raising a flock. It doesn't help.
Darn you, chicken gods!!!
I just had a seven month old Americauna die suddenly, she was fine in the morning and then boom I found her laying in the sun, dead. I looked all over her, and the only unusual thing I could find was a little yellow around her vent.
Every time I have a chicken die, I remind myself its just a part of raising a flock. It doesn't help.
Darn you, chicken gods!!!
Have a necropsy done or try to do it yourself.

had he been acting a bit off for a few days before hand? i had a chicken, called Calypso, she was my chickky, and she was acting a bit odd for a few days then she just died. and just now we had another that had been acting strange, just stood around sleeping, then i found her this morning under the coop asleep, got her out and put her in a basket with a towel, then i was just about to leave for the vets and she died :( i had looked up before what it may have been and there is something called Mareks disease, which can cause heart attacks in them etc
Just had a sudden death of my baby's favorite chook... Just lay inside the folded umbrella on the ground. Dog found her. So so so sad... Not knowing is horrible

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