Sudden death in 2 year old hen

If you have any suggestions for creating shade I’d like to hear it.
One option is an old framework from a carport or a canopy, or build one. Get a shade cloth off Amazon or somewhere that has a high (at least 70% or more) degree of protection. I did that with an old carport frame that we set lower to the ground and was very surprised at how much cooler it was under it. NOT the original canopy from the carport or lawn canopy - that is HOT. These come in lots of sizes and rectangles or triangles. The first one I got blocks 70% of the sun (that is a 10'x20' on the carport), then I got a smaller one for the side of our covered porch to block the afternoon sun and that is 90%. If I get another for the girls, it will be a 90% one also. These block the sun but rain and wind can go thru some. If it's smaller, you could just use the grommets to tie it into place in a run.

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