
Oct 2, 2020
I posted a few days ago about my concerns with the intestinal linings and small blood globs in my chickens poop. Everything seemed to be Ok, nothing serious, until this morning. Out of nowhere, my one mama hen (who is also mid molt) was acting very sick, and had blood in her poop, which is bright green and slimy looking (sorry, I don’t have a pic right now). She’s shedding a lot of intestinal lining too, right along with the blood. She isn’t eating feed and I haven’t seen her drink, she did eat meal worms voraciously though. Earlier today, she sat huddled up with her head tucked under her wing. I rushed her to the vet, who also expressed concern about the poops color, and got antibiotics. She perked up a bit after the vet and meds, but still has the same green poop with blood and shed lining.
This came about so suddenly, she was acting completely normal yesterday morning with her chicks. In the evening, I did notice her laying down more than usual, but I didn’t expect to wake up to such a sick bird!
With a number of my birds shedding intestinal lining, and on top of that finding bits of blood, and now my poor mama hen getting so sick, there must be something going on in my flock. Has anyone dealt with sudden illness like this? Could it be Cocci? Or some bacteria? Something she ate?
Did your vet do a fecal test? That would have detected coccidiosis or other possible problems.

Giving them Corid wouldn't hurt. Just don't give any extra vitamins that have thiamin in them while they're on Corid. Afterwards, give them some vitamins and probiotics alternating every other day for a couple of weeks. She'll especially need the probiotics after the antibiotic is done.

I'd go with the "severe" dosage on the right side.

Corid dosage chart.jpg

Try make their feed into mash with water. That's a treat for ours and she maybe would eat that. I'd ease up on the meal worms until she eats something more nutritional, although they are high in protein too so helping her molting.

Scrambled eggs are always a hit here too.
Did your vet do a fecal test? That would have detected coccidiosis or other possible problems.

Giving them Corid wouldn't hurt. Just don't give any extra vitamins that have thiamin in them while they're on Corid. Afterwards, give them some vitamins and probiotics alternating every other day for a couple of weeks.

I'd go with the "severe" dosage on the right side.

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A fecal test was done on another chicken, and everything came back negative. BUT everyone had a round of corid about two weeks ago except for mama and chicks. Also, the vet let me know that cocci does not always show up on the float, especially for an older sample (the sample was a day old).
A fecal test was done on another chicken, and everything came back negative. BUT everyone had a round of corid about two weeks ago except for mama and chicks. Also, the vet let me know that cocci does not always show up on the float, especially for an older sample (the sample was a day old).
The chicks poop is okay and the chicks seem okay too? It wouldn't hurt them either to treat them and mom with Corid.
The chicks poop is okay and the chicks seem okay too? It wouldn't hurt them either to treat them and mom with Corid.
Yeah they seem fine. They are separated now, the vet suggested it to let mama relax. They’re 5 weeks anyway and don’t seem to mind being without her. I’ll go ahead and have them treated as well, just in case.
Is her crop puffy or firm? I would make her some soft scrambled egg, and offer water and watery feed. Is she drinking much? If her crop is puffy and soft, that might be from her intestinal problem. If it is firm and full, it might be good to give her some chilled coconut oil, cut into small pieces, up to 2 tsp twice a day. If crop is firm or doughy, you can massage it several times a day. If it is puffy and soft, don’t massage. You can give her undiluted Corid 1/2 tsp daily for a day or two to jumpstart the Corid. Consider worming as well since worms can cause bleeding. Poop pictures are welcome.
Is her crop puffy or firm? I would make her some soft scrambled egg, and offer water and watery feed. Is she drinking much? If her crop is puffy and soft, that might be from her intestinal problem. If it is firm and full, it might be good to give her some chilled coconut oil, cut into small pieces, up to 2 tsp twice a day. If crop is firm or doughy, you can massage it several times a day. If it is puffy and soft, don’t massage. You can give her undiluted Corid 1/2 tsp daily for a day or two to jumpstart the Corid. Consider worming as well since worms can cause bleeding. Poop pictures are welcome.
It’s pretty squishy. And no, she isn’t drinking or eating. Just sleeping. Is it ok to worm her along with the corid and antibiotic?
Use your own judgement, but when you are doing everything you can to save her, you will try everything. Others may disagree. Do you have anything to tube feed her? I will hold a tuna can or small cup/scoop up to their beak, and dip the beak to try and get them to drink fluids and eat. Tube feeding is fairly easy. A 35 ml syringe from the feed store can be connected to a piece of aquarium air tubing from the pet aisle of Walmart, or oxygen tubing, and they sell tubing that can fit at TSC and most Lowes and HomeDepot stores by the foot. Amazon sells baby lamb tube feeders as well. Here is a vet video of tube feeding:


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