Suddenly lethargic and pooping white diarrhea


6 Years
Feb 4, 2018

I just wanted to post update to my post below for anyone that is interested.My hen was feeling much better this morning, she was alert and ran out with the other chickens (honestly I thought she would be gone), she spent her morning eating bugs she found. I did soak her in the Epsom salt for a few min just for good measure. I have not seen an egg yet, but she looks pretty good today.Thank the Lord.

Original post: I have an adult Easter egger, she has suddenly become lethargic and pooping white diarrhea. Last night she slept in the laying box with her face to the wall :( I got her out this morning and cooled her off and gave her water. She usually a good layer. It is very hot here about 107 with the heat index. She is free range (but there's shade) and goes in a shaded coop and night with a big fan. The other chickens seem fine, but she seemed fine yesterday afternoon too. Does anyone have any idea what wrong with her? I appreciate any help and advise.
Things I have done:
Epsom salt soaks for about 15 min, several times in cool not freezing water.
Given her cold watermelon and water
Put some Corid in their water, gave her small amounts by beak with a 3cc syringe ( no needle!)
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I have an adult Easter egger, she has suddenly become lethargic and pooping white diarrhea. Last night she slept in the laying box with her face to the wall :( I got her out this morning and cooled her off and gave her water. She usually a good layer. It is very hot here about 107 with the heat index. She is free range (but there's shade) and goes in a shaded coop and night with a big fan. The other chickens seem fine, but she seemed fine yesterday afternoon too. Does anyone have any idea what wrong with her? I appreciate any help and advise.
Things I have done:
Epsom salt soaks for about 15 min, several times in cool not freezing water.
Given her cold watermelon and water
Put some Corid in their water.
Sue, does she have a bad smell from the discharge? If it's Salpingitis (lash egg) she may be laying leathery misshappened eggs, or two in one day. If you go to my posts, I just had information concerning these same symptoms. @Wyrop Rock is an expert, and advised me on my hen. You may want to contact @Wyrop Rock. Hope this helps!
Sue, does she have a bad smell from the discharge? If it's Salpingitis (lash egg) she may be laying leathery misshappened eggs, or two in one day. If you go to my posts, I just had information concerning these same symptoms. @Wyrop Rock is an expert, and advised me on my hen. You may want to contact @Wyrop Rock. Hope this helps!
No, there's no smell, and she has been laying beautiful blue eggs until yesterday. Thank you for your reply :)
No, there's no smell, and she has been laying beautiful blue eggs until yesterday. Thank you for your reply :)
Is the discharge white and bubbly/runny? If it is Salpingitis the discharge could be an ovaduct infection - which needs to be immediately treated with an antibiotic. From what I've read, it can be either virus or fungal infection. Please contact @Wyrop Rock.
I just wanted to post update anyone that is interested.My hen was feeling much better this morning, she was alert and ran out with the other chickens ( honestly I thought she would be gone), she spent her morning eating bugs she found. I did soak her in the Epsom salt for a few min just for good measure. I have not seen an egg yet, but she looks pretty good today.Thank the Lord.
I just wanted to post update anyone that is interested.My hen was feeling much better this morning, she was alert and ran out with the other chickens ( honestly I thought she would be gone), she spent her morning eating bugs she found. I did soak her in the Epsom salt for a few min just for good measure. I have not seen an egg yet, but she looks pretty good today.Thank the Lord.

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