Solved Suggestion for possible new thread categories/topics/headings! 🤞


Aug 6, 2023
Hey BYC Site Owners, Admins, Mods, and Sponsors,

First off, thank you for such an amazing source of information and all of the work y'all do to keep it cool, calm, and collective here! I know I'm just new guy and my suggestions probably won't have as much weight as some of the old timers, but please at least consider it.

What I would absolutely love to see on this site is a "Technical" category with subheadings specifically for incubator, hatchers, brooders, climate controls, etc, etc.

There's a lot of great information within this site about these things. I know because I have been creeping the site for well over a decade possibly even two if the site has been around that long.

The biggest problem I see is that that information is very convoluted because there's not a specific place just for technical related troubleshooting, and it's mixed in with anything related to "Incubating & Hatching Eggs" and that section can get hundreds or more posts per week due to the wide range of topics it covers.

I'm not at all complaining or trying to pass judgement. I'm only thinking about what would make it easier to navigate for everyone and also raise the amount of members that are specialists in certain fields to follow entire subheadings! Especially for people like me with ADHD that get overwhelmed very easily while navigating through all the posts! ("I came here to read about incubator controllers! YTH am I reading about someone's problems with her ducks?", I ask myself four hours later!)😏

For instance if John Alford is a HVAC guy he might would follow a the subheadings about heating, humidity and ventilation because he knows his stuff and the only things posted under "Incubator Heating" and "Incubator Humidity" would be things related to his area of expertise.

If Ray Allan is a retired engineer and knows all about angles, rotation, gears, motors and servos then he probably wouldn't mind following a section named "Incubator Turning Techniques" because everything posted under that subheading is in his area of expertise.

If Fred Jones is an electrician or electrical engineer then he might not have a problem following a heading for "Incubator Electrical Troubleshooting"

John, Ray and Fred may not have a problem following posts under well-defined narrow subheadings because they're likely to only receive a few posts a day. Whereas with the current wide range subheadings there's fifty to a hundred a day(I didn't actually count them), and John, Ray and Fred have jobs to do and don't have time to pick through all of them to find the ones they have immediate answers to.

I am 100% able and willing to help migrate the current treads relevant to the new subheadings from the 116,000 that currently exist under "Incubating & Hatching Eggs" or whatever other current subheadings they're under. That is if you make me a Moderator or whatever is required to help make it happen! Not overnight of course, but an hour or two here or there! I do have ADHD though so I could become hyper focused on it and do it in three days without sleep! You never know with me! Lmao! 😵‍💫

This is my personal recommendations for what the heading and subheadings may look like, if it's a possibility:


Troubleshooting & Technical Support

Incubator Enclosures
Incubator Climate Controls(PID,T-stats,etc)
Incubator Heating
Incubator Humidity
Incubator Egg Turning Types & Techniques
Incubator Airflow & Ventilation
Incubator Electrical Troubleshooting(
with a disclaimer that BYC is not responsible for any injuries or death caused by the use of information provided under this subheading)

Then pretty much the same as the above where it's related to Hatchers and Brooders.


I know it's a lot to ask, but it sure would make info more easily found and readily available to those searching for it, and would clean the site up a bit. If you're concerned about it being too many headings and subheadings on the opening page it could even be added to the left sidebar menu as a complete new page of its own just for troubleshooting and technical support!

Let me know your thoughts, and if you need references, photocopies of my ID, and blood, urine and DNA samples prior to giving me the ability to migrate the threads! Lol. ❤️‍🔥
@kornbr3d thank you for your thoughtful and detailed suggestion for expanding the sections on the BYC forum. We appreciate your enthusiasm and commitment to improving the site's organization and usability. It's great to see how much you value the community and want to make it even better! :)

I totally understand your point about creating more specialized sections, like a "Technical" category with various subheadings. We've had kinda similar suggestions (expanding our forum sections) before, and while your suggestion has its merits, we also want to take into consideration the potential challenges it might introduce.

The main concern lies in maintaining clarity for our users. Having numerous sections that are closely related could lead to confusion for users on where to post specific threads or where to find relevant information. For example, if I'm looking to post a somewhat "technical" brooder thread, how would I know if it meets the requirements / "technical enough" to go in that section vs. the "regular" section? Similarly, if I'm searching for brooder info that may or may not be technical, do I scan through two sections / categories / forums or one... and if so, which one?

We're always striving to strike a balance between categorization and simplicity. We believe that having a moderate number of well-defined sections can be more effective in preventing information from becoming overly fragmented.

If you're interested, we'd be open to discussing alternative approaches that could help improve the site's usability and organization while minimizing confusion. For example, perhaps a thread in each section linking to technical topics? Or maybe a way to "tag" more technical threads (using the tag system or editing the thread titles with a keyword like "technical discussion", or similar?

Thank you again for your contribution to making BYC a better place for everyone. We're constantly evaluating ways to enhance the user experience and maintain the friendly and supportive atmosphere our members have come to love.
Hey BYC Site Owners, Admins, Mods, and Sponsors,

First off, thank you for such an amazing source of information and all of the work y'all do to keep it cool, calm, and collective here! I know I'm just new guy and my suggestions probably won't have as much weight as some of the old timers, but please at least consider it.

What I would absolutely love to see on this site is a "Technical" category with subheadings specifically for incubator, hatchers, brooders, climate controls, etc, etc.

There's a lot of great information within this site about these things. I know because I have been creeping the site for well over a decade possibly even two if the site has been around that long.

The biggest problem I see is that that information is very convoluted because there's not a specific place just for technical related troubleshooting, and it's mixed in with anything related to "Incubating & Hatching Eggs" and that section can get hundreds or more posts per week due to the wide range of topics it covers.

I'm not at all complaining or trying to pass judgement. I'm only thinking about what would make it easier to navigate for everyone and also raise the amount of members that are specialists in certain fields to follow entire subheadings! Especially for people like me with ADHD that get overwhelmed very easily while navigating through all the posts! ("I came here to read about incubator controllers! YTH am I reading about someone's problems with her ducks?", I ask myself four hours later!)😏

For instance if John Alford is a HVAC guy he might would follow a the subheadings about heating, humidity and ventilation because he knows his stuff and the only things posted under "Incubator Heating" and "Incubator Humidity" would be things related to his area of expertise.

If Ray Allan is a retired engineer and knows all about angles, rotation, gears, motors and servos then he probably wouldn't mind following a section named "Incubator Turning Techniques" because everything posted under that subheading is in his area of expertise.

If Fred Jones is an electrician or electrical engineer then he might not have a problem following a heading for "Incubator Electrical Troubleshooting"

John, Ray and Fred may not have a problem following posts under well-defined narrow subheadings because they're likely to only receive a few posts a day. Whereas with the current wide range subheadings there's fifty to a hundred a day(I didn't actually count them), and John, Ray and Fred have jobs to do and don't have time to pick through all of them to find the ones they have immediate answers to.

I am 100% able and willing to help migrate the current treads relevant to the new subheadings from the 116,000 that currently exist under "Incubating & Hatching Eggs" or whatever other current subheadings they're under. That is if you make me a Moderator or whatever is required to help make it happen! Not overnight of course, but an hour or two here or there! I do have ADHD though so I could become hyper focused on it and do it in three days without sleep! You never know with me! Lmao! 😵‍💫

This is my personal recommendations for what the heading and subheadings may look like, if it's a possibility:


Troubleshooting & Technical Support

Incubator Enclosures
Incubator Climate Controls(PID,T-stats,etc)
Incubator Heating
Incubator Humidity
Incubator Egg Turning Types & Techniques
Incubator Airflow & Ventilation
Incubator Electrical Troubleshooting(
with a disclaimer that BYC is not responsible for any injuries or death caused by the use of information provided under this subheading)

Then pretty much the same as the above where it's related to Hatchers and Brooders.


I know it's a lot to ask, but it sure would make info more easily found and readily available to those searching for it, and would clean the site up a bit. If you're concerned about it being too many headings and subheadings on the opening page it could even be added to the left sidebar menu as a complete new page of its own just for troubleshooting and technical support!

Let me know your thoughts, and if you need references, photocopies of my ID, and blood, urine and DNA samples prior to giving me the ability to migrate the threads! Lol. ❤️‍🔥
Special needs chickens should be a category! Awwee 🥰🥰🐓❤️
YESSSS!!! I have a blind one 💕

But then my articles about special needs chickens (current and future articles) would be outcompeted lol
Whatever helps people with special needs chickens/ducks, would be a blessing. I do not have a special needs chicken, but my heart goes out to the people that make sacrifices to really help our feathered friends when others may turn their back. Having a forum for the special needs friends gives them a place to go for not only information, but support and understanding as well. Love the Chicken 🐓❤️
Whatever helps people with special needs chickens/ducks, would be a blessing. I do not have a special needs chicken, but my heart goes out to the people that make sacrifices to really help our feathered friends when others may turn their back. Having a forum for the special needs friends gives them a place to go for not only information, but support and understanding as well. Love the Chicken 🐓❤️

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