Sultan Questions

May 15, 2024
Manitoba, Canada
Hello! I have an opportunity to add a couple Sultans to my flock (one might be a cross, its dark coloured but so cute, the others are pure white). I've been reading about them though and I worry about them getting picked on by my current ladies. I have silverudds (Isbars), French copper marans, and an ayam cemani cross, wyandotte cross, and a couple silverudds I think are crossed with cream legbars. All get along so well. The Wyandotte and copper marans are bigger but they aren't at the top of pecking order.

Anyone have any insight on this breed? I don't want to get them and have them picked on nonstop!

She also has Silkies and Polish chickens but I'm not sure those are the breeds I was wanting to add.
We just raise silkies and when I've seen sultans, they look like a bigger satin silkie perhaps crossed with a Polish. So now I looked them up, and it appears their temperament is much like that of a silkie. The sultan roosters get up to 6 lbs, and the hens up to 4 lbs, so they are quite a bit larger than silkies, so if silkies can manage to get along with other birds, then these should too. Most will always recommend getting about 4-5 of any new docile birds though so they can stick together should they feel intimidated or get picked on.

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