Sumatra Thread!

Powder puff? The SoP calls strictly for clear bluish slate with a distinctly black lacing. There is no variance of that. You can like what you like, but if you breed to perfection then you have set standards already in place. No lacing is a cull unless you breed for your own looks. Its not bettering the breed in any way.


NWSumatras asked about colour per the Standard Of Perfection, not about anyone's personal preferences. The Standard clearly describes what the colour should be. The description for all Blue varieties is the same, Sumatras don't have a seperate colour description.
Nice points about the blue variety of sumatras.
Blue matings result in Blue, Black & Splash offspring. Splash can vary greatly in appearance but they are the same genetically. Only on BYC are there different names for Splash birds. In other words there's really no such thing as a White Splash or a Blue Splash-they're just Splash.

OK but I know why some would be called white. In other breed I have seen individuals that are genetically Splash but are so pale they look white unless you do a close inspection.
Quote: What people I know like that look.. It has nothing to do with what I am breeding for. So please don't repeat what I have read a million of times in the standard. Tell them that.

Quote: I am going to have to ask you to think about it and see if you can figure it out. Because I am done with explaining words that are not that hard to figure out.
  What people I know like that look.. It has nothing to do with what I am breeding for. So please don't repeat what I have read a million of times in the standard. Tell them that.

I am going to have to ask you to think about it and see if you can figure it out. Because I am done with explaining words that are not that hard to figure out.

lol! Well if you breed for the powder puff color, good luck to you! Its either a small fluffy device or a man's sport played by women.
I was meaning a very light blue so light that the sumatra looks like powder if you know what I mean.
I know what you meant Champ, but I hope you know why I put that word with a question mark. I just absolutely dislike it when people make up these outrageous "terms" that make things more confusing to new poultry breeders interested in the breed. I like to keep things simple :)

now that leaves an amusing image in the mind........roosters
using powder puffs for cheerleading at a football game played by hens

I think I need a nap
Oh my
What is worse I told my husband to go outside and pick out the powder puff blues. He said you mean the fluffy ones....right? lol

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