Supplies for new chicks.


In the Brooder
Sep 4, 2024
Hi All!
Need some experienced chick people. Am getting new chicks soon. Have already built brooder, waterer, feeder, Brinsea brooder heater and heating pad specifically for chicks. What I need are* feed (brand suggestions,grit, medications to have on hand. Read many posts about these electrolyte mixes? Would love to know which brands you recommend. Also debating on where to place brooder. Friends have put in homes but gets messy. I have large cat so my brooder is well secured with wood, latches and hardware cloth on legs. Live in upstate SC so temps are cool in spring. Would heaters be sufficient in my attached garage? Wasn't sure about temp range for small chicks with a brooder heater and pad.. I got a pad because many reviews of Brinsea said that it wasn't warm enough for their chicks. I don't want a heat lamp due to fire hazard.
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That's my album for my setups. If probiotics are not coming with your chicks then you should be able to find some for chicks at your local farm supply store. Check dates on anything you buy. I've seen some expired stuff on the shelves, and got ahold of some that had caked up.

I use this for feed:

But they also have non-medicated:

I use the smaller sized grit from this brand: for chicks.

I also order supplies from Meyer Hatchery where I get my chicks,

This is what I get with the chicks and it lasts a while, just becareful not to breath this stuff and store properly:
Best feed whatever you can readily get fresh in your neck of the woods - what I have most available are local brands, and that's what I stick with.

Grit for chicks is shown below for size reference, you only need a little bit so a scoop from a bulk bin is the best bet:

The only medication I'd have on hand specifically for chicks is Corid, for coccidiosis, as they can go downhill very quickly if that becomes an issue.

I don't usually give electrolytes to chicks (if the chickens get electrolytes at all I simply make a homemade mix). For moving/new home stress I use Poultry Nutri-Drench for the first few days and that works well enough as an all around pick-me-up.

I don't brood indoors anymore, did it once and I have no interest in doing it again due to mess and noise. You don't mention your temperature ranges in spring but I brood outdoors between 40-high 60s, depending on time of year, and I use a heating pad which doesn't have a "low temperature" restriction the way a brooder plate does. Here's my set up (first part of the article): could be ok for brooding, optimally with some source of light during the day like a window, and as long as you're not driving a car in and out or anything else that's spewing smoke into the air.
Best feed whatever you can readily get fresh in your neck of the woods - what I have most available are local brands, and that's what I stick with.

Grit for chicks is shown below for size reference, you only need a little bit so a scoop from a bulk bin is the best bet:
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The only medication I'd have on hand specifically for chicks is Corid, for coccidiosis, as they can go downhill very quickly if that becomes an issue.

I don't usually give electrolytes to chicks (if the chickens get electrolytes at all I simply make a homemade mix). For moving/new home stress I use Poultry Nutri-Drench for the first few days and that works well enough as an all around pick-me-up.

I don't brood indoors anymore, did it once and I have no interest in doing it again due to mess and noise. You don't mention your temperature ranges in spring but I brood outdoors between 40-high 60s, depending on time of year, and I use a heating pad which doesn't have a "low temperature" restriction the way a brooder plate does. Here's my set up (first part of the article): could be ok for brooding, optimally with some source of light during the day like a window, and as long as you're not driving a car in and out or anything else that's spewing smoke into the air.
I am sorry, I am new to this. I am wondering about anticoccidial drugs for chickens and grit. Do I need to get these? I have 3 rhode island reds 3 days old and 1 saphire gem about 1 week. I also have 3 other saphires that i found out are roo's. Gifting the roo's because I can not have them. I am also wondering about "pasty butt". a few have very pasty butts and i keep soaking their bottoms but what can i do to prevent this?
I am sorry, I am new to this. I am wondering about anticoccidial drugs for chickens and grit. Do I need to get these?
It's generally recommended to have Corid (or anything similar) on hand mostly because if chickens do get an overload of coccidiosis they can go downhill very fast.

Need for grit may vary depending on what naturally is accessible to your chickens. If the chicks are outside and allowed access to ground with proper sized rock pieces then no, grit is not "required." Otherwise it should be provided for them.
I am also wondering about "pasty butt". a few have very pasty butts and i keep soaking their bottoms but what can i do to prevent this?
One of the top contributors to pasty butt is too much heat. Assess the temperatures in your brooder - if using a heat lamp there should be a warmer area for the chicks to warm up in (about 90 degrees with the age of your birds) as well as a cooler area anywhere from 10-40F cooler than the warm area. If using a brooder plate or heating pad then the rest of the brooder space should be unheated or minimally heated enough to allow the heat source to function.
For feed I've always liked Purina chick starter/grower - you can buy it at Tractor Supply or really any feed store.

Electrolytes and probiotics you can buy packets of at Tractor Supply, they work well for me, I think they are Purina as well. You can also use the GrowGel from Meyer Hatchery as AGeese already suggested.

If you don't want to use a heat lamp, you could use a brooder plate. I don't know of any other options though.

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