Short question : has anyone had a hen start laying again a few eggs once the implant wears off, then stop ?
Longer story:
Our hen Laure was implanted on the 17 august 2024 , at only 15 months old.
She had been laying soft shells or shell-less eggs very painfully for a month and we were worried about a risk of peritonitis. We heard from the vet and from other chicken keepers that sometimes an implant can get the laying system back on track, when there is no real issue beyond the shell making, and so we were hoping this would be her case.
After more or less five months, on the 25 of January she laid a first egg, totally fine.
On the 2d February she laid a soft shell egg. I made an appointment to get her reimplanted.
On the 5 and 8, she laid an egg with a little cap, then a perfect egg.
But since then, she hasn't laid at all and it's been twelve days now. I've already postponed the vet appointment once and I'm hesitant to postpone it again. I don't want to get her implanted her again if she doesn't need it.
Has anyone had a similar experience ?
I will eventually contact the vet to ask her about it if I postpone the appointment once more.
Thank you for reading and for your help.
Longer story:
Our hen Laure was implanted on the 17 august 2024 , at only 15 months old.
She had been laying soft shells or shell-less eggs very painfully for a month and we were worried about a risk of peritonitis. We heard from the vet and from other chicken keepers that sometimes an implant can get the laying system back on track, when there is no real issue beyond the shell making, and so we were hoping this would be her case.
After more or less five months, on the 25 of January she laid a first egg, totally fine.
On the 2d February she laid a soft shell egg. I made an appointment to get her reimplanted.
On the 5 and 8, she laid an egg with a little cap, then a perfect egg.
But since then, she hasn't laid at all and it's been twelve days now. I've already postponed the vet appointment once and I'm hesitant to postpone it again. I don't want to get her implanted her again if she doesn't need it.
Has anyone had a similar experience ?
I will eventually contact the vet to ask her about it if I postpone the appointment once more.
Thank you for reading and for your help.