Surviving Minnesota!

Thank  you KlopKlop.  A dark quiet place of her own with a couple eggs pressing on her breast....might just push her over into the broody zone. 
This coop is quite rag tag and pieced together with junked cabinets.  And a piece of tin left over from our shed.  I leave it open a crack there so she can come and go as she pleases for a broody poo or dust bath...whatever she wants to do.  Stretch her legs.  The opening I leave big enough for her but too small for my other hens.  Who have been known to donate to her clutch.

We will be getting the camper out of storage this week and moving the grain wagon from the garage to that shed. Then I will have a nice space to set up the pen and try!
Do I see a rock on the back tray?
Yes. She uses them to keep the eggs up in the trays it looks like. I guess we should have squeezed in more eggs for her. LOL.

We will be getting the camper out of storage this week and moving the grain wagon from the garage to that shed. Then I will have a nice space to set up the pen and try!
Oh that sounds like a nice place for a broody coop. I'm sure she wouldn't complain about sharing it with a wagon full of corn. LOL.
It is possible it was a turkeycide. He was really cramped in the corner and he had blood on his head.

Now Holm this is for you to figure out... The first question is multiple choice the rest are essay.

Farmer Ralphie has been married to the daughter of the wicked witch of the south for nigh on forever. The WWD (wicked witches daughter) finds her favorite Tom was beaten by 3 turkeys, 2 blues and a lavender.

The WWD demands sweet innocent Farmer Ralphie put three Toms on death row and fatten them up. Farmer Ralphie sells a blue turkey to Mr Harris. Mr Harris is happy to get the Tom and pays way too much for a hen also. Farmer Ralphie is happy. The WWD is not as she wanted to watch the Blue lose his head.

After this sale how many turkeys are on death row?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 5

What color are the turkeys on death row at this point: ( careful trick question)


When Farmer Ralphie comes home for a important dangerous mission he finds a turkey shoved into the corner of death row, the turkey was blue. And was Bluer from lack of O2.

1) What color was the turkey (in 14 words or less)...

2) Do you think it was murder of suicide?
Defend your answer.

3) If it was murder who would be the prime suspects? Remember Farmer Ralphie was not there, but the WWD was and she had already expressed the desire to see the turkey dead.

4) after the death of the 2 blue turkeys, what color was the turkey that was left on death row?

5) Do you think Farmer Ralphie should release the --------fill in the blank------- colored turkey and why?

and for extra credit...

How should Farmer Ralphie tell the WWD he has released the last turkey? Where should Farmer Ralphie sleep where he can be assured of awaking in the morning?

You could pitch a cot in the Rapunzel building. Just thought I would offer.
Hi Ya all. so Jerry - did the chicks get delivered and if so, what are the results? I hope they are all good. Hoping, hoping, hoping.

Loved the quiz Ralphie and I got the answers right! Thanks Holm. I had to reread it a couple of times. Even if us DW get angry we, usually, most of us, do not seek revenge. So I would guess it was death by its own causes and not murder.

This is day 3 of the broody box being in the run and the hens are not taking to it. Although it has been into the 60's and so I am not worried about the eggs - yet - I will sacrifice these eggs just to get a hen going into mama hood. After looking at your silkie bogtown, I definitely think Ruby was broody. Same posture, tucked in low and flat.

Went to the eye appointment this a.m. Traumatized. Ugh! Beginning to dread these eye appointments. Getting older. Thats what its from. I an not THAT OLD! Well, I don't feel that old anyway. Except after going to the eye dr appt.

Forgot to let my youngest flock out this morning before leaving. Poor little guys. I discovered them locked into their coop around noon when I was making the rounds with water. I feel bad but they survived. So its time to get over it.

Here they are.
In the incubator today they will go.


Fingers crossed for a good hatch rate! The kids will be so excited!

They were substituted for Plymouth Barred Rock by the Hatchery (ordered thru the feed store) supposedly they were a "very close match". If my friend does not want them as layers they will most likely go to freezer camp as I am not set up for that many layers.

I love how they were like "yeah, this will work instead for BRs.....". Ummmm, no. Aren't the Asian Blues a newer breed?
I love how they were like "yeah, this will work instead for BRs.....". Ummmm, no. Aren't the Asian Blues a newer breed?
They were ordered through a Feed Mill so I don't know if the Hatchery called the Feed mill or not. But Hoover's happily replaced all 11 hens and 1 rooster. The following week I received 12 BR hens, 2 roosters and 3 Silver laced Wyndotte Hens for my troubles. So I was very impressed with customer service after the mix up. Now my only trouble is who to pick up and pet first and distinguishing between the breeds. It will be a fun first ride into layers.

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