Svart Hona breeders- quick questions!


12 Years
Mar 5, 2013
Portland, OR
Quick question for you who've been raising Svart Honas... I ordered eggs from eBay and three hatched- from pip to zip was less than eight hours for all three! Once they were dried and fluffy, I transferred them to the brooder- all in great shape- eating and drinking within a half hour.

They are perfectly formed, good balance, like to be held, but... at three days old they are THE MELLOWEST chicks I've ever brooded. No running around the brooder, no chest bumping, no loud/constant cheeping.

They're pooping, eyes are clear, not pasted up, no immediate signs of failure to thrive.

Are Svart Honas just an exceptionally chill breed? Anyone with similar experience? Should I be worried?

Also all are solid 'black' with two being a little dusky and one being very dark. Is this a cockerel/pullet 'tell'?

Thanks in advance- I'm already in love with the all-black peeps so I hope they're just mellow.
I am curious to hear from someone with experience as well. The four cockerels and one pullet I have, I am now positive are Svart Hona, but I got them at about 3 weeks old and the roos were a bit aggressive because they were older than my Ameraucanas and because there were four of them, I'm sure...I wing sexed all of my chicks, but that's not a 100% guarantee...As Svart Hona, roos will develop a comb and pullets will look like they're not developing one at all...

So clearly a cockerel on the right- and my little pullet is out of the shot, but the one on the left...

At 5.5 weeks- do I have another pullet? A slower growing cockerel? Leg thickness is somewhere between the slim pullet and hoss cockerel legs. Comb is small, but not as small as the easily-identified pullet.

Any coaching would be helpful- have already started to try to re-home the cockerel. Free to anyone who wants him in the Portland, OR area!!

Thanks in advance for your help!
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So clearly a cockerel on the right- and my little pullet is out of the shot, but the one on the left...

At 5.5 weeks- do I have another pullet? A slower growing cockerel? Leg thickness is somewhere between the slim pullet and hoss cockerel legs. Comb is small, but not as small as the easily-identified pullet.

Any coaching would be helpful- have already started to try to re-home the cockerel. Free to anyone who wants him in the Portland, OR area!!

Thanks in advance for your help!

From what I can see, I would guess pullet. The first hatch I got had what I thought was three cockerels and two pullets, but I found out later that one of the ones I thought was a pullet was a hermaphrodite. My pullet had a very small comb from the beginning and the roos were easily distinguishable pretty early. The one(now named Hermes 😏) was the only one that threw me off and confused me...I would wait another week or so and you will almost definitely be able to tell roo or pullet 💖
Svart Hona are a landrace, not a breed --so--different colors(white tipped feathers, white/clear toenails, silver hackles(in older cockerels...), mulberry in combs is not uncommon. Gray fuzz is common in chicks as well. Some breed for landrace variety--to preserve all their qualities........and some breed for the money-pulling all black svart hona---to preserve black coloring .......and cull anything that does not hatch all black.

To your question.......I have been keeping a hobby flock for 4 years now...and yes--they are calm , curious birds. You can almost see them thinking. Coloring in chicks has nothing to do with their sex. Enjoy your babies!!
Svart Hona are a landrace, not a breed --so--different colors(white tipped feathers, white/clear toenails, silver hackles(in older cockerels...), mulberry in combs is not uncommon. Gray fuzz is common in chicks as well. Some breed for landrace variety--to preserve all their qualities........and some breed for the money-pulling all black svart hona---to preserve black coloring .......and cull anything that does not hatch all black.

To your question.......I have been keeping a hobby flock for 4 years now...and yes--they are calm , curious birds. You can almost see them thinking. Coloring in chicks has nothing to do with their sex. Enjoy your babies!!

Thanks for the context- this is the first time I've raised them and am already a huge fan.

I am confident I have two pullets and one cockerel- the dusky black chicks darkened with age and were one of each sex. The dark black chick turned out to be the prettier of the two pullets- very blocky but feminine at the same time. I am in love with their big black eyes and how much they want to interact with humans.
I am curious to hear from someone with experience as well. The four cockerels and one pullet I have, I am now positive are Svart Hona, but I got them at about 3 weeks old and the roos were a bit aggressive because they were older than my Ameraucanas and because there were four of them, I'm sure...I wing sexed all of my chicks, but that's not a 100% guarantee...As Svart Hona, roos will develop a comb and pullets will look like they're not developing one at all...
I realize this thread is old, but this chick is 3 weeks old and my only svart hona. Does it look like a roo or pullet to you? Just wondering as you said you wing sexed yours at this age.


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