'Sweetest' / most human friendly chicken breeds

I have 2 EEs, a BO, and a Speckled Sussex. All are lap chickens, and wait their turn to sit on my lap and nap, sunbathe, and be petted and talked to.

I think the best way to tame them is to spend a lot of time with them as chicks. Pick them up, pet them, cuddle with them, let them sit on you, feed them, take them with you wherever you go. . . and they will respond to you. All of mine come when I call their names, all greet me in the morning and when I come home, and say good night to me. They even answer during evening roll call!
My Cochins are very friendly, my favorite breed. This guys pretty friendly too .


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SIlver Laced Wyandottes are very friendly, will eat out of your hand, and follow you around. I have a flock of 10 this year, all hens. They do not like to be touched, but will learn to let you pick them up. I also have a flock of Barred Plymouth Rocks, and would recommend them to any one who wants friendly chickens. They will come to you, follow you around, let you pick them up, and will not run from you, even as chicks. They are quiet, well mannered, nd forage extremely well. One of them is a rooster, who is quiet, well mannered, takes good care of the hens, and is aloof around people. Which is a good quality with a Roo. You won't go wrong with either breed, but for someone new to poultry, or in the Suburbs, I'd go with the Barred Rocks.

But whichever breed you choose, spend as much time with them as you can. That's the key to having friendly chickens
My friendliest are my cochin bantams. They come right up to me, let me hold them, and my rooster sits on my lap.
I also had a really sweet Barred Rock that would come to me, looking for attention. She sat with me for ages, and really loved to be petted. We had a special bond.
If you don't mind asking, but was 'had' signifying that she passed?

If so, I am so sorry to hear that :hugs
I don't have experience with a ton of different breeds, but I can say that my Australorps and Salmon Faverolles are both fabulous, people friendly ladies. They are all very involved with everything I do when I'm outside. They supervise coop cleaning, tell me all about their days, and sit with me when I just need a minute😊 They always greet visitors and I am convinced one of my Australorps would come right in the house if I opened the door for her. I also have a three year old and they follow him around like puppies (they know he's an avid bug hunter) and let him pick them up. The same before mentioned Australorp has told me off in no uncertain terms when I've picked her up with no good reason, but that little boy can manhandle her all day and she just loves him for it❤️

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