Hi guys. Phyllis was very violent today. She was attacking Rose's chicks when they got near her.
I could not find Frankie. Thought it slipped out under the coop. But no. After a lot of looking I saw Frankie buried alive in the dirt. I saw some of it's fluff sticking out of the dirt, it's head was under the dirt. I was very worried. Little Frankie was limp in my hands but was still breathing. Dirt was in between the eyelids. I flushed out the eyes with water and brought it under a heat lamp. It is so sleepy and still partially limp. He moves his head a tiny bit once in a while but otherwise he is just so tired out from running from his aunt.
I decided to name Herbert's twin Norbert (thanks so much for the suggestion @WoDia!!!!) Rose had another chick that we named Fred but he was too young to go outside (plus it was in the 70's) so we gave him to Dottie to take care of temporarily. All of Dottie's chicks are boys (Herbert, Norbert, Billy bob, and foster child Fred.) We can tell because they are sapphire gem mixes which are sex-linked and they have dots on their heads.
I decided to name Herbert's twin Norbert (thanks so much for the suggestion @WoDia!!!!) Rose had another chick that we named Fred but he was too young to go outside (plus it was in the 70's) so we gave him to Dottie to take care of temporarily. All of Dottie's chicks are boys (Herbert, Norbert, Billy bob, and foster child Fred.) We can tell because they are sapphire gem mixes which are sex-linked and they have dots on their heads.
I’m so happy to hear that you like the name! It sounds like Dottie is being a fantastic mother. ❤️ Please keep posting more photos as the boys grow into beautiful Roos. They’re totally adorable!
Hi guys. Phyllis was very violent today. She was attacking Rose's chicks when they got near her.
I could not find Frankie. Thought it slipped out under the coop. But no. After a lot of looking I saw Frankie buried alive in the dirt. I saw some of it's fluff sticking out of the dirt, it's head was under the dirt. I was very worried. Little Frankie was limp in my hands but was still breathing. Dirt was in between the eyelids. I flushed out the eyes with water and brought it under a heat lamp. It is so sleepy and still partially limp. He moves his head a tiny bit once in a while but otherwise he is just so tired out from running from his aunt.
Phyllis needs a chill pill! 🤣 On a more serious note, I’m hoping that Frankie is recovering well. Poor little guy. ❤️ He certainly went through a lot. After all, Auntie Phyllis buried him alive! 😮😳 She’s a BEAST! 😠
Phyllis needs a chill pill! 🤣 On a more serious note, I’m hoping that Frankie is recovering well. Poor little guy. ❤️ He certainly went through a lot. After all, Auntie Phyllis buried him alive! 😮😳 She’s a BEAST! 😠
I'll say! Usually Phyllis is a sweet girl. I guess she showed her true evil colors when she hurt that chick👿 Frankie is walking now, but one of his eyes remains shut. I'll put a link to my thread here.
Thanks so much!!

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