Swollen Foot- No punctures, not bumble

You are doing a good job. The right pad already looks less infected.

Another thing I noticed: your hen has overgrown claws/nails that may well contribute to her bumble foot condition as the twisted toes will prevent the natural motion sequence.
You are doing a good job. The right pad already looks less infected.

Another thing I noticed: your hen has overgrown claws/nails that may well contribute to her bumble foot condition as the twisted toes will prevent the natural motion sequence.

Thank you, I will file them down in a little bit when I bring her in to change her dressing. Didn’t even think about that!
I am back!

So we got one of the bumbles all cleared and healed up, but the foot that had the smaller bumble that went away, apparently didn’t go away. I was worried that the foot pad just healed together and left infection in her foot, and it seems I was right?
The swelling was gone in this foot for a while, and I’ve noticed the past couple of weeks it was swelling again. So I soaked her in Epsom salt bath and cleaned the foot, and there is no bumble on it. I’ve been using the sugardine trying to draw it out and it’s to the point where I need to visit Option B to treat this foot.

I hate the thought of making an incision on the top of her foot to drain this, but is that what needs to be done? That seems like it would be very painful for her 🥺.

Also scary for me lol. If that’s the next step, can someone tell me how I need to do the incision? I have a surgical blade at home, all the things to treat bumble foot except antibiotics.
Where do I make the incision, and do I just squeeze until blood comes out?
Will she need to start antibiotics after this is done?


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Does it seem sore or is she limping on it? It doesn’t look pink in the picture as the first pictures looked. I would watch it, and if it swells more and looks pink, I would consider lancing it with a sterile blade and squeeze it. Disinfect the skin first. Then dress it with antibiotic ointment every other day. But is she is not limping, I would watch it.
Does it seem sore or is she limping on it? It doesn’t look pink in the picture as the first pictures looked. I would watch it, and if it swells more and looks pink, I would consider lancing it with a sterile blade and squeeze it. Disinfect the skin first. Then dress it with antibiotic ointment every other day. But is she is not limping, I would watch it.

Thank you.
No she isn’t limping on it or remotely even acting like it even exists lol

Should I keep soaking it every couple of days and putting the sugardine on the foot pad? Or just let it go free and keep watch?

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