Swollen head. Abscess?

Here are some new photos. It doesn't look good.

I have some antibiotic ointment at home with me here that a family member was using on an infected wound. Could I use that on her do you think?
My local vet has already said that she would want to refer her to a specialist hospital ($$$$$$!)

I'm still bringing her indoors at night. In the daytime she's outside in the half of the run that I've fenced off for her.
My other bantam really tries to peck her given half a chance so I'm keeping them separate apart from the times they roam in the garden with me keeping a close eye on them.
Eating and drinking well. Running around happily.


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Yes, triple antibiotic or bacitracin ointment can be used on chickens. Is she having any symptoms such as watery eyes, drainage from nostrils, sneeze, or gasping? A couple of times here I have seen swollen heads that had turned out to be tumors. Hopefully, her swelling will eventually go down. Let us know how she is doing.
Poor girl, I hope she starts improving more and more every day. Keep the ointment on it at all times so it stays moist, that will at least make it feel a bit better. Be sure the ointment doesn’t have pain relief in it, as those ingredients can be poisonous to poultry.

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