Symptoms of ???????

I can call on Monday & ask. What should I ask them to look for? She just got a second dose of safeguard, .5 ml pr 2.2 lbs for 5 days like what you recommended for my bald bum hen a little while ago. I actually did the entire flock then. I highly doubt it's worms.
I can call on Monday & ask. What should I ask them to look for? She just got a second dose of safeguard, .5 ml pr 2.2 lbs for 5 days like what you recommended for my bald bum hen a little while ago. I actually did the entire flock then. I highly doubt it's worms.
Ask them if they can look at a poop sample to check for bacteria and/or yeast.

My vet doesn't open for a few hours, but someone recommended giving her Epsom salt & water in case she ate something bad. I did that last night, & this is what her poop looks like this morning. Plus, her poop from overnight looks normal.

I've read that before. I enjoy a lot of what the Chicken Chick posts. The only things I wish I did differently than what she recommended was I wish I had put my one hen that had fly strike on an antibiotic as soon as it happened, if I had she may still be here today. But even though she didn't have any outward signs of an infection, I still believe that's what killed her.

Back on topic. Does that mean that the Grow2Max continues to be effective in the water even after 24 hours? An 8 gallon waterer usually lasts my chickens 6 days, give or take a day, depends on how much they drink. I do have a smaller one that I just picked up. I think that it's a 5 gallon waterer. The 8 gallon one is a year old & needs to be welded on the top. I know it's safe to mix the probiotics with vitamins & electrolytes, but what about apple cider vinegar? It is safe to mix with that? Or should ACV be used on it own? I'd love to get a good rotation down for additives for their water. Depending on weather, if they're molting, etc, etc.
I'm learning just as you are, but I think probiotics in the water are only good for 24 hours, and the container will need washing. ACV should never be used in galvanized metal containers since it will destroy the metal as well as possibly contaminate the water with toxins. Plastic is best for ACV. I think stainless steel is okay, but it would eventually rust after a period of use. Probiotics are not necessary every day, but probably only twice a week would be enough unless the chick was on antibiotics or had treatment for cocci. I don't like to mix ACV with anything. In fact I don't use it much any more, especially in hot weather where it can cause problems with calcium absorption and potassium levels. Probiotics are fine to mix with vitamins and electrolytes, since many brands come together like that.
My vet doesn't open for a few hours, but someone recommended giving her Epsom salt & water in case she ate something bad. I did that last night, & this is what her poop looks like this morning. Plus, her poop from overnight looks normal.

Looks like mine do when they have a bacterial or fungal infection.

Hopefully your vet will check her droppings as I had a situation which sounds very similar that ended up being spirochetes, which I'd never heard of. My vet found them when he checked her droppings. Ended up having to give a specific antibiotic and that resolved the issue.

I posted a thread on her symptoms and the medication I used >

Wishing you the best of luck!
The vet recommended that I give her a few days of "normal" care. Feed & plan water. Nothing added. It's been 24 hours so far, & half of her poop has looked a lot more normal. When I went to the barn last night, almost everything she did during the day was more normal looking. The only time it was watery was soon after she drank a good amount of water. He said that maybe she had an infection from over treading or maybe for whatever reason she needed the second dose of de-wormer - hard to say since I didn't have the poop tested as soon as I found it. :-/ He said probiotics are good after during something like a deworming or antibiotics, but that there's no need to continue it like I was & it very well could have continued the watery poop. Being the fact that she's acting fine & has energy & spunk, color to her comb & wattles, crop feels fine (all these things never really changed or seemed bad though), & is back to eating lay feed without any issues, he wants to give her system a chance to get regular.

If her poop goes back to normal, I guess it's one of those things that I'm just never going to know what was really going on since I gave her antibiotics as well as dewormed her a second time. But I feel bad that I may have been the reason why her poop continued to stay runny. I guess this is going to be a con for free range chickens. One can eat or drink something that the others don't, & can get sick when all the others are healthy, or worms even with deworming & will need to be dewormed again.

I'm now thinking of what I can do to protect her from the roosters if it was an infection from over treading. It's not that I don't have enough hens, because all of the other hens are fine. The roosters just have picked this one hen that they're in love with. I may have to consider re-homing her to someone who doesn't have any roosters, unless I can find something to put on her that will make the roosters not want to have anything to do with her ........
awww, i have an exra "loved" girl as well.
i prefer penning my roosters for several hours or even 1/2 the day.
all the girls can relax for a while.
ive made my own chicken "saddles" from small sleeves and socks.
they are sold here on byc in the buy/sell/trade section.
very nice looking.
good luck!
I have chicken aprons for all the hens. It didn't help to protect her lower back though. I'm looking for a scent that may deter the roosters, but not attract predators ........ hope to find something. Everyone I know has roosters!

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