Tales of Azula the wonder chick, and her sister Ty Lee!

Azula and Ty Lee are very sweet chicks… and look very comfy! Many adventures ahead for them. Just make sure to not leave them unattended when you take them outside… they’ll love it out there when the weather’s nice. Sweet dreams girls!🥰
I would never leave them unattended outside like that! I doubt I would let them free roam the room unattended!
I plan to build them a home base as they grow
I would never leave them unattended outside like that! I doubt I would let them free roam the room unattended!
I plan to build them a home base as they grow
That’s probably best! Little chicks can get into all kinds of trouble! 🤣
I have to remove the blankets from on top of their brooder to access it for cleaning, and Azula has gotten into the habit of perching on the edge of the fencing practicing her balance!
She does have a good piece of spider wood to perch on but oh no. She wants the fence haha
Also I'm pretty sure I figured out what happened now. Multiple chicks there had it but it wasn't spreading so I'm pretty sure she had a ruptured air sac from harsh shipping and or handling 😔
Both girls are happily eating the veggie baby food now! Might try them on a very fine chop next using the same ingredients!


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Ok so they have been having what look like cecal poops- all day today. Never had it happen before


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I skipped the baby food today. I did change the feeder to a conventional one instead of a bowl so it might be they are eating less?
They may be getting used to the change. Don’t worry, they’ll get accustomed to the new feeder pretty quick.

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