Teach me to caponize


May 6, 2024
I know this has been posted in the past. I’m looking for someone to teach me to caponize chickens.
Please let me know if you’re up for the challenge or interested in doing some for me.

Thanks in advance!
It appears you're looking for someone in your neighborhood to come over to physically teach you or do it for you? I would post this in your state or country's forum to hopefully reach folks closer to where you are:


You might also try find some poultry groups on Facebook that are for your area and post there to see if you can find someone that way. Craigslist is another option.
Be prepared for hate if you put your contact info out there. A number of folks have significant objections to caponizing chickens.

Also, have you processed any chickens yourself yet? Like, processed them to eat from flock to table. Because you can see the testes on the inside of the bird after removing the entrails, and it will give you a lot better idea what you are going after and where to do it from on the outside of the bird. They will be super small in 3-5 wk chicks, which if I recall is the ideal age for caponizing. Be prepared to lose some birds when you are learning. It's definitely a useful skill to have when growing out anything besides meat birds. Good luck!

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