Teddy was eggbound with a double yolk egg that was in two pieces!

You'll have to watch her. I was getting "jelly eggs" for a while, I think due to stress until I killed two black rat snakes .. and then I busted two of my hens eating eggs. You shoulda seen em, lol, if ever a chicken could look guilty, they did! They saw me, catching them eating a shell IN THE VERY ACT (separate days), let out a shriek and ran off like their tail frathers were on fire! And neither one has done it since! :lau
My girls eggs are all looking good yesterday and today 😊 I got some oyster shells and brought in my spare feeder for them. Here's how I set it up. So far, I haven't seen more than two hens try them, but I see some movement in the pile from yesterday so hopefully they eat as they need them!


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Oh, as for the calcium tablets, just pull down on her wattles to open her beak and pop it in, she'll swallow it no problem. It looks big but if you tell yourself a chicken can swallow a mouse or a frog whole, it becomes much easier!
Knowing to pull on wattle would have made giving my chickens meds a LOT easier! Thank you for this for any future meds.
Just wanted to give an update: my ladies are definitely eating the oyster shells, and their eggs are all looking wonderful! The shells are so strong, I tried tossing two of them for the chickens and they would NOT break! Lol I threw them up in the air so they had about a 9 foot drop and still didn't break in the dirt. I ended up cracking them on something metal and then tossing them. When I hold them, they sound ceramic as they click together. It's pretty cool!

I also wanted to share with you guys a funny development..
Since the temps have gone back up again, the rooster (in all his mighty wisdom) made them a nest in a star thistle thicket that grew next to the spigot. Only a couple of them use it, but the fact that they do cracks me up! I knew he had been working on it for a while, but I only realized they were using it when I suddenly couldn't find more than two eggs in the coop. Once the temps go down, we'll be removing it so it won't last forever. I may as well let them enjoy while they can! 😄

I caught Pocahontas in it this morning and Trina waiting in line lol.


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