Tell me about Welsh Harlequin Ducklings!

Any updates?

Not really. Been a very busy week with work so we haven’t got to spend much time with them, with the time change it’s dark & cold when we get home! I’ve been giving it to them in their waterer, and they’ve been drinking all of it. They seem happy and healthy. I’m not sure if one is still having diarrhea, I can’t say I’ve seen any in the catch pans like I was seeing before. And I haven’t heard any sneezing when I’m feeding, giving fresh water, or adding fresh bedding. This weekend we’ll have time to bring them outside for some fresh air and foraging, I’ll take some pictures! They’re HUGE!
Photo overload coming at ya! Nibbles & Mellow are enjoying their time outside, they free ranged for awhile while we were out with them including some creek time. They are hanging out their soon to be home now!
Brooder question for everyone:

I need new ideas for their waterer, up until now they’ve been using what you see pictures. (1 quart & a container for them to get their nostrils into) on the catch pans. We’ll they’ve become to big and every time we get home they’ve spilled both of their waterers off of the catch pans and all over their brooder leaving them without water.

Also, they will be moving outside in a few short week. November 25th I think they are 9 weeks. They will be moving outside into 20 degree weather at nighttime. Will they be okay at nine weekends in that cold of weather? I feel like it’s going to be such a shock the first few nights!
Your getting them outside now to acclimate they should be fine inside a coop with deep bedding out of the elements. Cannot believe how big they have gotten. And so gorgeous. I see a couple of nice rocks there that will weigh down the head dunking waterer. But make the holes a little bigger too. New feed bowl too one of the Rubber bowls should work. TSC has them.
Your getting them outside now to acclimate they should be fine inside a coop with deep bedding out of the elements. Cannot believe how big they have gotten. And so gorgeous. I see a couple of nice rocks there that will weigh down the head dunking waterer. But make the holes a little bigger too. New feed bowl too one of the Rubber bowls should work. TSC has them.
It’s crazy how big they are! They are the same size as our 14 week old Rouen! She is so tiny!

We are so excited for what beautiful ducks they are becoming!

Why do they need a new feeder? We only feed our adult ducks 1/4 cup in the AM and 1/4 cup in the evenings. The babies have definitely been getting more than that but eventually will be getting the same amount.
I was just suggesting another bowl because you said the were dumping the bowl over. You don’t leave feed out 24/7 for your ducklings?

I have been leaving food out for them 24/7 but they are about to be 6 weeks old. You perviously said up until 5 weeks so I was planning on starting breakfast & dinner like the rest of our flock gets. They haven’t been dumping their food as much as their water because one of them is always standing on their waterer when they are eating. And I think the weight of them on the end of the trays they are on makes them tip it because they have gotten so big! But we are going to tractor supply for more food and mealworms tonight so we’ll definitely look and see what they have!
Is it normal for our older ducks to be mean to the younger ducks?

Our muscovies are mean to Shadow our Rouen which is much younger than them (they chase her away from the area they are in if they don’t want her near) and they nip at her sometimes.

And all of them are mean to our WH when we have them out. They separate them from each other, chase them, and nip at them. And Shadow the Rouen shakes and really tries to attack them.

Will this behavior go away as they all get older?
It takes time for ducks to accept each other they look at the younger ones as intruders and should be run off. I’d have the younger live side by side with the older ones till they can be out together with out anything but a little pushing or shoving but it doesn’t last an they go about their business. It takes time but they will be one flock. As for feed when we say 5-6 weeks for food 24/7 that is not for when they go outside it’s for while they are in the brooder. It use to be an still is for many that 5-6 weeks until fully feathered they are inside in a brooder. I still leave food out during daylight for my flock but they go with out over night.

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