
We're barely halfway through the day and there have been a few surprises.

For one, this happened.

You can see everything up here!

Yeah, you're gonna have to feed me up here. I don't think I can get down.

So there's that.

Then, my Cutie (my adorable little mutt who also loves to hop onto my shoulder) didn't come out when I called. I thought, okay, maybe she escaped the yard again. She'll come back when she hears me scooping out food.

So I went to the feed container, opened it up, and inside was Cutie. I was horrified. She was fine and she chirped at me, waiting for me to lift her up. Needless to say, I ran her to the water and made sure she drank. I was so upset because I always check to make sure none of the chickens stay in the feed bucket. They love to hop in when I'm distracted, gah! She's fine, but thank God for small blessings. I didn't close the container correctly yesterday, so she had enough air. Jesus.

I need a drink.
It isn't funny, but then again it is. I am so happy Cutie is fine. I bet she isn't hungry!

My 4 Musketeers are 20 wks old and still like to fly up on my shoulders. What's a mama to do???

Lisa :)
:lau   It isn't funny, but then again it is.  I am so happy Cutie is fine.  I bet she isn't hungry!

My 4 Musketeers are 20 wks old and still like to fly up on my shoulders.  What's a mama to do???

Lisa :)

It nearly had me crying hysterically, so it is a bit funny. She's great now. Her crop was full and I called her a fatty. She gave me a look when I said that, haha!

We mamas have no choice but to let our babies climb all over us. Sometimes, we literally have chickens on our mind. :D
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