
Ditto here. The poor girls (20 hens) look really sad with their molt and egg production has dropped from 18-20 per day to 3-4 per day. At least we have been having warmer than usual weather so they aren't freezing (that will change this weekend). The whole issue of raising your own meat ... I tried and just could not do it. Guess I could if it came down to survival but I am now looking for someone in my area that can do it for me in exchange for a share...probably a 50/50 split. I have chickens, ducks and geese that I would like to put in the freezer if I can find anyone. Guess I am just a city wuss that moved to the country.
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Stellekitten please keep us posted on your hatch.

So far so good. Did the 14 day candling and got to see little chicken feet still in the eggs. If I could figure out how to hold the phone, candler and egg safely I would have taken pictures! all 18 that were left after infertile eggs are still going!
27 baby chicks in, trying to add to my BCM and Americauna hens to get a solid group of fertile eggs by Summer. Some of my Maran hens have started to lay. But, with 7 hens, it doesn't get very far. So, another 20 of them. They will have plenty of room with their new flockmates once they are large enough to live outside. The red barn coop is sparce after a redundant rooster cull. The Americaunas will be in their own coop, and the Chocolate/Mottled Orpingtons are coming along nicely. One POL hen, and 7 more maturing girls with her with two Roos to keep them busy. The good thing, is despite the winter slow down, every egg I have pulled from any coop are all fertile. So, a few table eggs during the winter drop off.

I am glad this group of chicks figured out the brooder nipples so quickly. They came thirsty. I am also happy they have good blood lines. Hopefully, there aren't too many brooder box deaths. It would be nice if all of them made it.

Congrats! With my winter slow down I was shocked at how harsh it is! I was getting over a dozen a day, now I am lucky to get three. And yes I have a lot of chickens but some aren't laying yet and some I dont' know if they are past their prime because they were part of the rescue. I thought about culling the ones that aren't laying but between the getting them here, set up, then rearranged based on personalities, and then the cold hits. It could be they just haven't had enough time to settle in. I was thinking of waiting until spring comes so that I can figure it out.
Ditto here. The poor girls (20 hens) look really sad with their molt and egg production has dropped from 18-20 per day to 3-4 per day. At least we have been having warmer than usual weather so they aren't freezing (that will change this weekend). The whole issue of raising your own meat ... I tried and just could not do it. Guess I could if it came down to survival but I am now looking for someone in my area that can do it for me in exchange for a share...probably a 50/50 split. I have chickens, ducks and geese that I would like to put in the freezer if I can find anyone. Guess I am just a city wuss that moved to the country.
And molt on the older birds looks rough. It looks like I abuse those poor girls. One of my roosters is nearly bald around his neck. I've checked for mites and didn't see any and no sores. Just has no feathers. I'll bet his neck is cold.
Ditto here. The poor girls (20 hens) look really sad with their molt and egg production has dropped from 18-20 per day to 3-4 per day. At least we have been having warmer than usual weather so they aren't freezing (that will change this weekend). The whole issue of raising your own meat ... I tried and just could not do it. Guess I could if it came down to survival but I am now looking for someone in my area that can do it for me in exchange for a share...probably a 50/50 split. I have chickens, ducks and geese that I would like to put in the freezer if I can find anyone. Guess I am just a city wuss that moved to the country.

Our molt wasn't that drastic but the decrease in egg production has been unreal. I'm like you. Just can't do it myself. My DH did it growing up and refuses to now. I guess he doesn't have fond memories of fresh meat, lol.
Cross-posted from https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/1065952/west-texas-breeders#post_16237059 at the suggestion of caveman rich:

Having moved from South Texas to Lubbock, we're about to move onto some land and I'm finally going to get another flock of chickens! This time around, I want to hatch eggs with a surrogate Mother Hen, rather than ordering Hatchery Chicks.

Here's my ideal plan:

--Get two to three pullets of an appropriately broody breed from someone within driving distance of Lubbock.

--Raise them in my little coop while preparing the big coop and run.

--When one or two pullets mature and turn broody, obtain fertile eggs of a dual purpose breed (my wife likes the Americaunas, and I like Jersey Giants) and let the young Momma(s) hatch them.

My main question is this: Where in West Texas can I get either the pullets, eggs, or both?

Thanks, and I am so glad to be back!!

At least y'all are still getting eggs. We're getting nothing from any of ours.
I am getting a slight pick up. Nothing like I was doing before. The Maran hens have just started to lay. And the PBR's and Buff Orps are the only one laying in the table egg coop. Though, for the time being we are eating the Maran eggs due to the egg shortage. I was happy to get 6 eggs between all my chickens today. Come on Spring/Summer and back to the bumper crop.

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