
Hey fellow texans.

Ummm I have an issue... I'm totally stressed out. The hatchery screwed up and sent me LOTS of boys instead of pullets. I was looking at them going... nooo you cant be... noooo. omg..

then my bad luck continued and the 8 I got from TSC... (the min was 6 but they INSISTED that it was 8) ... are also 100% boys.

They boys have to go. They are crowing and my neighbors are not happy. We live outside of the city.. but it doesn't matter. We just bought this house and don't want 20 years of misery over some stupid roosters.

PLEASE I need someone to just take the dang things. I don't care if you freezer camp them or what at this point. I would do it myself but umm.. I'm too afraid I would pass out or worse yet.. do something wrong.

they are mostly from MMH

2 Egyptian Fayoumi
1 Golden campine
8 Bantam Cochin (gold laced, white, black, molted) I would prefer the black to go to a good home. Hes VERY VERY VERY sweet.
and 2 older silkies ... I traded for them thinking they would make nice silky mix babies..gorgeous birds but boy are they being loud! so they need to go too.

I need to just have HENS ONLY. *sigh*

At this point.. PLEASE someone. Think of it as free food if you want to. But dang... my stress level is too high to hear any more bickering at me from the nieghbors.

I live just outside of Wylie city limits.

I'm heading down south to meet someone and can bring birds down I think this weekend.
I wish I could help you out, but I recently got rid of 4 roosters myself. We can't have them here in Murphy at all!

Roosters are a hard thing to find homes for, it seems. Good luck!
Can i recommend craigslist? I see roo's on the one here in east texas often and they seem to turn over fast. You may be able to clear them all out in a day or two. I wish we could keep roosters too, but I'm inside the Tyler city limits and don't want to burn my neighbors either
Hello, I just joined! We live near Waco, no chickens yet, but we will SOON. Still researching which breed/s to get! We currently raise Tunis sheep and miniature horses. The only fowl so far are 5 white guineas. We are really enjoying them but are looking forward to adding some chickens.

Open to suggestions for breeds.
roo problem solved due to craigslist!

I now only have 1 Egyptian left to find a home for... the rest have all gone with the exception of two that are being picked up in about 10 mins.. *fingers crossed*

If I cant place the Egyptian in the next few week I will keep checking the feed store to see if they have room there for him.

I couldn't believe how fast they went on craigslist... one person showed up in less than 20 min and he took 4 then a local guy paid me $20 EACH for the male Phoenix, and then I drove 12 out to a lady down past Dallas and she and some friends will split them and she was ecstatic to get such pretty little bantam boys. Two are PERFECT matches for her bantam girls of the same breeds... so that will be great.

I'm so happy that stress is off my sholders now. And my hubby did poke fun at me at the fact that they now could ALL fit in the one hen house/run and we didn't have to spend $2200 on a new huge mobile coop but ummm.. I reminded him that the meat birds can use that next year with no problem and he perked up again.

now the next challenge... girls... will you start laying already?!? The neighbors are asking daily if I have eggs yet! ;)

UPDATE: *actually* I now only have the two roos I wanted. 1 pheonix and 1 black cochin bantam and they will be in diffrent coops/runs ;) yeahhhh!

The lady and her son that came to get the two silkies also took the Egyptian boy that was already causeing a stink with my pheonix. ;)

Craigslist really DID work. ;)
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This is good to know. I anticipate ending up with more boys than we will need/can handle, and was worried about being able to find people that would want roosters.

In all... I placed 19 cockerels today.

I didn't know I even HAD that many... but when I started pulling them out and counting... ooh lord. If they had starting crowing and acting 'boyish' all at once I would have had biiig problems ;)

Now I just have two .... and I had to delete my add on craigslist because so many people kept messaging trying to get more... especially people whose kids are in 4h. I had no idea that so many 4h people like project birds..
That sounds awesome!
We'll try to make it to Huntsville for May 12th. I work that night, but have been known to lose sleep in favor of fun with the family!

Good luck everyone with your new goats and all the kidding that will be going on!! I can't wait to get back into goats... I'm really having some serious envy from you guys.
roo problem solved due to craigslist!

I now only have 1 Egyptian left to find a home for... the rest have all gone with the exception of two that are being picked up in about 10 mins.. *fingers crossed*

If I cant place the Egyptian in the next few week I will keep checking the feed store to see if they have room there for him.

I couldn't believe how fast they went on craigslist... one person showed up in less than 20 min and he took 4 then a local guy paid me $20 EACH for the male Phoenix, and then I drove 12 out to a lady down past Dallas and she and some friends will split them and she was ecstatic to get such pretty little bantam boys. Two are PERFECT matches for her bantam girls of the same breeds... so that will be great.

I'm so happy that stress is off my sholders now. And my hubby did poke fun at me at the fact that they now could ALL fit in the one hen house/run and we didn't have to spend $2200 on a new huge mobile coop but ummm.. I reminded him that the meat birds can use that next year with no problem and he perked up again.

now the next challenge... girls... will you start laying already?!? The neighbors are asking daily if I have eggs yet! ;)

UPDATE: *actually* I now only have the two roos I wanted. 1 pheonix and 1 black cochin bantam and they will be in diffrent coops/runs ;) yeahhhh!

The lady and her son that came to get the two silkies also took the Egyptian boy that was already causeing a stink with my pheonix. ;)

Craigslist really DID work. ;)

Amy where are you located. I saw that you had to drive pass Dallas to deliver some birds. I am just outside of Fort Worth. Town called Rhome. We are off 287 north and just up the road from Justin.
I'm located in wylie. Im new to the state a few months ago so I REALLY dont know the area well at all. I had to google those places to even know where they were *face palm* lol

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