
So it is wine o'clock 30 on a Sunday night. All of the chicken are in bed. I hope all of us overheated Texans had a good day. How many more months of summer do we have?

BTW my nice neighbor is hospitalized for covid, and two other acquaintances too. I hope they all pull through and curse all those people who ripped their masks off and burned them. Do not raise your hand if you were one of them I prefer not knowing who killed my neighbor and friends. This was never political just common sense. Yes I am an old Army nurse but the concept of a respiratory illness is pretty easy to understand, and no I will not come out of retirement for this.
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Speechless here.Those Texas colors look like a SPI tourist on the beach. 1594689368824.png
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So, back in April, I hatched out 24 chicks. I lost 9 of them to ants and a snake (got the nursery coop really locked up tight now) and it looks like of the ones I have left, 8-9 of them are cockerels. dang it. Anyone know of a good way to find homes for them? They are all mutts, but I've got some cool mixes. My current roosters are New Hampshire, Black Cochin (standard), Ameracauna (pure white) and an EE. The hens are Copper Marans, Leghorn, Red stars and EE's. One of these little guys - I'm trying to figure out his parentage. He's reddish with black and white striping (like the marans) and has feather feet. The thing is - the rooster with the feather feet is black and the hens with the b/w striping is basically black, so where did all the red come from? The coolest is the yellow striped guy. I think I'm going to keep him.


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Yesterday was 106° and humidity during the peak of the heat was about 1/2 (~35%) of the day before.... Day before was 105° & 70-85+% humidity during the peak of the heat....

Today? Basically the same as yesterday.
Yup and tomorrow more of the same for the near future.
So, back in April, I hatched out 24 chicks. I lost 9 of them to ants and a snake (got the nursery coop really locked up tight now) and it looks like of the ones I have left, 8-9 of them are cockerels. dang it. Anyone know of a good way to find homes for them? They are all mutts, but I've got some cool mixes. My current roosters are New Hampshire, Black Cochin (standard), Ameracauna (pure white) and an EE. The hens are Copper Marans, Leghorn, Red stars and EE's. One of these little guys - I'm trying to figure out his parentage. He's reddish with black and white striping (like the marans) and has feather feet. The thing is - the rooster with the feather feet is black and the hens with the b/w striping is basically black, so where did all the red come from? The coolest is the yellow striped guy. I think I'm going to keep him.
Wow we have someone from Cypress now. That is way too cool. Welcome to the Texas thread @RUNuts I am throwing you to the curb now. Regardless you need his help finding a new home for cockerels. Mine go in the stew pot they did their job.

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