
I just wanted to say howdy to all the Texas people. My wife and I were just given our first chicks on Easter, 2 very pretty golden sex links. The kids are in love with them. I have been trying to learn all that I can, but any helpful advice would be appreciated.
newbie myself, so no advice to give, but glad you joined us.
DW just called me to let me know that all my 8 week old were in an accident today...with or without help(i dont know yet) the roof of their coup was open enough for them to get out...and i am 9 chickens down....sad day at cockle-dood ranch.

Little wing, i may be getting a few older birds off you soon.

im down to 3 SLW's and 2 polish that happened to be inside still, grateful on my procrastination on that front! Gonna attempt to get my big coup ready since my smaller one still has issues obviously!
Sorry for your misfortune, Cockle. I can only imagine how you feel.
I just wanted to say howdy to all the Texas people. My wife and I were just given our first chicks on Easter, 2 very pretty golden sex links. The kids are in love with them. I have been trying to learn all that I can, but any helpful advice would be appreciated.
Welcome to BYC and to the Texas Thread. Everything you ever wanted to know about chickens is on this forum. Just ask Google.
Aaaand welcome to chicken math. Always build bigger than you need.
This is VERY IMPORTANT! Chicken math is real.... you think you're only going to get two or three, then you think how bad could two more be, then you want to try hatching.... suddenly there are chicks in the spare bathtub and all sorts of craziness happening outside.

Welcome to BYC, I learned more here about chicken raising than anywhere else. Clearly your wife is already on board, you know you're in for it... ;-)
So there was definate K9 interferance today. Several chicks dead inside the run....no way of knowing which one but i shouldnt have had them in the yard with the dogs....live and learn, poor guys!

I have a dzn silkie eggs due to hatch in about 2 weeks and told the lady that if take whatever hatches so i have that on the way, plus my 5 6wkers....and im gonna look for some older birds as well now. Might get a batch of some chicks again in the fall so i can sort out this security thing....
Sorry to hear about your flock Cockle-Dood.  That is one thing I am nervous about is securing the flock.  Our family if very animal friendly and I have 3 small children.  We have already lost some pets to old age/natural causes, but we havent had to deal with any accidental loss.  I hope I can secure the coop well enough.

Dont let my mistake deter you! I put a chicken wire run in a yard shared by my dogs that have never seen a chcken in their lives, i had this coming! Durn arrogence! But at the rate things are going i may be buggin you for chickens as well, might even be able to start a project together if your interested! Im putting a layer flock back together, want almost every shade then will think about breedings!

Im treating my 5 left to a boiled egg treat as we speak! My 2 polish and 3 slw's are loving it!

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