
Anyone else get irritated at the boobs-popping-out photos for the ad's to the right? It's embarrassing to be checking the 'ol chicken site when in public and have boob spillage all over the page.

Okay guys...I'm sure you probably don't mind! :D

Edited to add: I AM NOT A PRUDE!
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Thanks. This summer was brutal, but I'm really happy I only lost one wax myrtle. Just the heat radiating from the ground was scorching the leaves, even when the soil was damp enough. There was a huge difference in the surface temperature of the part of the property that was covered in live oak and the part that was just grass. All the plants look really happy since the weather cooled off, but everything I've read on planting in Texas said to supplement water for two years until the plants get established. I know I almost lost a bur oak I planted when I missed watering it one week after we had 1/3 inch rain. It wasn't enough and it lost all its leaves but one. The tree looked like it was losing its leaves because of an upcoming winter. It had only one leaf left and then it grew all its leaves back.

I hope I don't have to water much next year. It was a real chore because I planted between 90 and 100 trees and bushes. That's a lot of time and effort dragging a hose around 2 acres!

I used root stimulator when I planted everything. Should I use it again?

I planted this garden in October of 2011 and only watered it twice this year. Yours should be doing good by next summer and only need supplemental watering twice a month(deep watering) next summer. During the winter they will be dormant. Things other than natives always need water here in the summer.

At some point too much helping is harmful. If you look at some huge oaks in nice parks that keep lush green grass under the trees and notice how big they are, you are also seeing weak branches that are dangerous during high wind. The new growth out does the natural process and the tree will be weak and not able to sustain itself later. Not always the case but something to consider.
Every fall I compost every bed and redo the mulch. At this point you should stimulate it by nutrition. Plants just like everything else sustains stress easier if it is healthy. In the warm months I find it helpful to have indicator plants under anything I just plant, like annuals. I keep an eye on how they look to have a gage on the soils moisture level.

With the wind and lack of rain here, you can plant things closer together than you can in wetter or more northern areas. This helps all the plants pool the humidity level together, rather than them standing alone frying by themselves. That's my theory anyways.

I think you are in the clear and planted far enough back that what you have should be thriving by now. Next spring you will be enjoying the fruits of your labor!

Your biggest asset will be composting your beds every year with 2-3 inches and then mulching. Good compost will feed your plants in a natural way and you will not have to put down fertilizers or need to water a lot.

I have bought a lot of mushroom kits from a website called fungi perfecti. When you establish them they create an underground internet that connects all your plants with information, food, and water. It is super cool, but of course I am kinda a nerd about those kind of things, and I get my own edibles twice a year!
Anyone else get irritated at the boobs-popping-out photos for the ad's to the right? It's embarrassing to be checking the 'ol chicken site when in public and have boob spillage all over the page.

Okay guys...I'm sure you probably don't mind! :D

Edited to add: I AM NOT A PRUDE!
well I'm fairly prude...and it's just not necessary is it
Anyone else get irritated at the boobs-popping-out photos for the ad's to the right? It's embarrassing to be checking the 'ol chicken site when in public and have boob spillage all over the page.

Okay guys...I'm sure you probably don't mind! :D

Edited to add: I AM NOT A PRUDE!
Actually yes, I do. I find it completely inappropriate to have sexually based adds on a site for people of all ages to learn. No I am not a prude either, but I am not at hooters and I also do not believe in exploiting sexuality for profit. I think it makes the folks running this site look greedy and low on morals to subject people to it. Plenty of ways to make money on adds without stooping to that level of greed.

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