
I've always thought about it but I get so attached to them and I just can't do it. I'd rather give it to someone else who knows what they are doing if it has to get killed I had a dream once when we had a bad rooster that we messed up while trying to kill it and it suffered a lot and that disturbs me. I know I sound like a marshmallow in Texas but I just can't do it

No worries, I feel the same way sometimes. I turned my parents meat rabbits into pets when I was younger. ;) And I always stress when an animal has to get butchered, more so this time because it has been a while since I last had to do it. But I remind myself that my chickens will have had a much better life than the mass produced birds that end up in stores. And no matter if I culled it or someone else did, an animal still died so that I could eat. I raise my animals with care and try to send them off as gently as possible.

If you are interested and want to learn, there a videos on utube so you can see different methods, I like the killing cones as it keeps the birds calmer and the meat doesn't get bruised from thrashing. Once you settle on a method, you could ask someone to show you how in person.
I feel about the same as chickieluver. I can't do the killing part. I know it's wierd. But once the animal is dead...no problem. I'm not squimish about cleaning and preping. I can't even kill the fish I catch. That's why I decided to to learn plants instead of being a vet...could not stand an animal dying. But as my hubby reminds me...chickens are a food group...unlike cats and dogs..so were meant to be eaten and eventually ours will be. As was said they are better off...we take care of them, we know what they eat and end their life humanely as possible.
FYI...Chickens love mint and it is good for them...any kind of mint and there are many from common spearmint to lemon, apple and chocolate mint. Spearmint is the easiest to grow, in fact it can become invasive if you let it. I grow it in pots but am going to plant it around my coop and let it go. It dies to the ground in winter but then comes back. Hangs bundles of it in the chicken coop, it smells nice and repels flies and other bugs. Oh and you can eat it too, tastes great in tea!

I just planted some chocolate mint! :) It smells wonderful!

I had some fire ants setting up shop around the outside of my pen, right where I was putting my raised garden bed. I tried the boiling water per jajeanpierre. It didn't work. :(
I ended up getting some aint dope and getting rid of them since I really needed to put the bed in. I need to find something that will work around/in the pen that won't hurt the chickens, since I'm sure fire ants will find their way in there. Darn things show up everywhere!!!

There is an organic method out called The Texas Two Step. Someone on here mentioned it when I was talking about my fire ants that I had in the pen. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2004/05/040510014001.htm

I've never used it, so don't know how well it works.
"Found" the new way to say I was looking fir new chickens when..... LOL

Well I always look on craigslist cause you never know what you will find. I have seen people on here looking for Marans so thought I would share. And yes I am always looking for more chickens it's to late to try to resist getting to many. I am already there so like Hillary said what difference does it make anyway.
I just planted some chocolate mint! :) It smells wonderful!

I had some fire ants setting up shop around the outside of my pen, right where I was putting my raised garden bed. I tried the boiling water per jajeanpierre. It didn't work. :(
I ended up getting some aint dope and getting rid of them since I really needed to put the bed in. I need to find something that will work around/in the pen that won't hurt the chickens, since I'm sure fire ants will find their way in there. Darn things show up everywhere!!!

There is an organic method out called The Texas Two Step. Someone on here mentioned it when I was talking about my fire ants that I had in the pen. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2004/05/040510014001.htm

I've never used it, so don't know how well it works.
I saw her post last night about the mint. I looked at mint the other day and I almost got some but I didn't. So now I will be going back and getting some. I have been trying to landscape my new pen between the building of nesting boxes and getting ready for the brooder box building. LOL I am just so happy to have all the BIG construction completed.

I found this on craigslist thought someone might be interested French Marans & Olive Egger chicks - $4 (Mineola)
Harley you know every time you post one of these craigslist articles I end up buying something. LOL Here you go again feeding me. We live to close my friend. But I must say, you do find great things, rain barrels, silkies, now this!! I will not go to Mineola..... I will NOT go to Mineola..... Oh but I have to go to Walmart.... Guess I am going to Mineola.

"Found" the new way to say I was looking fir new chickens when..... LOL
You crack me up!!
I just planted some chocolate mint! :) It smells wonderful!

I had some fire ants setting up shop around the outside of my pen, right where I was putting my raised garden bed. I tried the boiling water per jajeanpierre. It didn't work. :(
I ended up getting some aint dope and getting rid of them since I really needed to put the bed in. I need to find something that will work around/in the pen that won't hurt the chickens, since I'm sure fire ants will find their way in there. Darn things show up everywhere!!!

There is an organic method out called The Texas Two Step. Someone on here mentioned it when I was talking about my fire ants that I had in the pen. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2004/05/040510014001.htm

I've never used it, so don't know how well it works.

I have spearmint and peppermint in my rose garden, was hoping it would spread like a ground cover to keep weeds out. Looks like the mint is why I have NO ants there but do have them everywhere else. I will take some cuttings and replant around the chicken coop along with some nasturtium. I have been told chickens love nasturtium and got some to try and climb on the coop to provide shade and a snack.

Thanks for the mint tip! I'm going to go mint crazy in my yard to get rid of the ants. Anyone know how to repeal wasps? Next to ants that's my biggest bug problem. I want the bees to stay, just not the wasps.

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