
My son took a picture of this sign on his way home yesterday.
My husband got hit by a drop of rain in the Wal-Mart parking lot. 😒 That's it. Radar looks like or 50% chance of rain is back to zero
It took me a while to figure out how this happened, but I think I've got it now.

This is actually a marketing ploy by Walmart. They had a guy with a spray bottle on the roof.

Good plan, really. Even I would join a crowd flocking to Walmart if I thought it was raining there.
For those of y'all along the coast, the migrating ruby throated hummingbirds have started showing up here, time to get those extra feeders up! LoL, squabbly contankerous little buggers! Our resident buff bellied is not amused at having to share again 😏
Picture is from couple years ago but pretty much what I'm seeing this morning 🥰
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I’m not on the coast, but not too far inland. Your post reminded me to check my feeders, they are all clean & full again.
View attachment 3625181Hey y’all! I’d love to build a network of backyard chicken peeps around the Comal county area. I’m a first time chicken mama and it would be amazing to start a local human flock 🐥 🧘🏻‍♀️ Meet some of my beautiful ladies
I'm a little far away to visit, but if I do, you're going to have to clean your patio furniture before I set down. I know this from personal experience.
I know this sounds crazy stupid but with the high's only 100 or 98°, it 'feels' alot cooler than when it was 106° - 110°F. The mornings haven't been too bad lately, 78°F to 80°F....Indian Summer! :celebratemeans fall is almost here.....ha ha, another 2 months! :rolleyes: :lau
It doesn't sound crazy to me. 5 to 10 degrees makes a lot of difference. And I especially love the cooler evenings and mornings. 🎃👻
It doesn't sound crazy to me. 5 to 10 degrees makes a lot of difference. And I especially love the cooler evenings and mornings. 🎃👻
Yep, but normally it's 100° or 102°F in August but this year it just feels cooler when it's 100°F ....I mean more like it's only 90°F :lau... it doesn't make sense but that's how it feels to me! 100°F doesn't feel that hot to me!

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